Chapter 2; Class Encounter

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Bom felt anger but probably jealousy.  She released his hands and walked off. Seung Hyun was puzzled but didn't care about her and just interpreting that she's just being childish. Women, they are hard to understand.

Time for class. Seung Hyun took the back seat in class. One by one, students arrived. Seung Hyun was the only king for this art class as the others have no such interest in it. Tiffany was alone too, the queens and friends have other classes.

Despite being alone, Tiffany was almost also late for her second class and the only seat left was beside Seung Hyun. She limped carefully towards the seat with her sprained ankle, trying her best to keep calm. Seung Hyun was listening to the headphones while waiting for class to start.

He looked up when he smelt a special and fragrant perfume. It's her. She placed her books carefully and sat down with much difficulty. Seung Hyun ignored her and continued doing his own work.

Class started and unknowingly, Seung Hyun was paying attentively but not to the class but the pretty lady beside him. He felt a familiar vibe with her, just can't seem to remember. Tiffany Hwang was all over his mind, no Bom, no bear bricks, no furnitures but only Tiffany.

He grabbed her small wrist and dragged her towards a small corner after class. Girls looked at her in disbelief. The school handsome, smart, capturing girl's heart king pulling her? What a lucky girl or maybe unlucky. Tiffany was shocked but only to care about her injury it seems to be bleeding.

They went outside of the building and at private place, with no one else around them.

"Let go! LET GO! YOU'RE HURTING ME!" Tiffany shouted. Only to realize that she's almost in big trouble. Just the first day of school and she's already shouting at the king? She cursed under her breath.

"I like you, you're beautiful. See you in class." A deep baritone voice only to turned out sexy while approaching her closer and closer and only a few centimeters apart. Tiffany heart went faster and faster, cheeks went to bright pink almost the color of her blouse. Having said nothing, Seung Hyun smirked and left her going to his next class without hearing any reply.

What was that for? Tiffany sighed and smack her forehead, wondering about the future of hers in the school. She just hoped nothing more would go wrong.

Out of all eyes, the only pair of eyes seeing the whole scene crushed the paper she's holding and fist turning into a ball. It's none other than the oldest among the queens, Park Bom.

Tiffany looked at her injury but only winced in pain when touching it, it's was swollen, she slipped out of her heels and only to wander off the building trying her way back to the locker barefooted. Luckily no one was at the corridor during that time, she opened her locker and found a pair of spare slippers that she brought to school.

After hours of classes with none other than the Seung Hyun and a few others. She tried her best to ignore and continue with lessons.

Finally it was after school.

She looked outside the window, it was raining. The unmatching outfit was already ruined her day with that little incident with the dear king. She limped to the locker, place her books in the bag and out to the gate. She opened her umbrella and walked on the wet pavement while humming to her favorite " If You " by BigBang.

When only tears came down when remembered about her past relationships. She wiped her tears away and smiled to the crying sky. But walking towards her house was too far.

Her legs were sore and the swollen injury only made it worst. She limped but without realizing the small pebble , she almost slip and a huge pair of hands grabbed her waist her swirled her around.

She bowed and thanks to the savior that saved her life and looked up only to see the person she would not wish and want to see. Choi Seung Hyun.

still typing chapter 3! will update the other story soon! 🎈 ✨

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