Undercover Pt. 11

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After 8 drinks, Violet, Hanji, and Rabendaa were so wasted.

"And then...I flew in and bam, the little shit was dead." Rabendaa slurred, tugging Levi's hair.

"Oh meh gerd...really...? You killed a titan...?" Hanji said drunkly.

"Psh, yeeeeeeah. I even fucked Levi." Rabendaa lied.

"No you didn't." Levi growled.

"Yeah I did. You loved it." She insisted.

"We never fucked. Now shut up you little shit." Levi snapped.


"Kawaii Titan Boy!" A drunk Violet cheered.

"Me?" Eren asked.

"Yeeessss...You are so cute~" She slurred, pinching his red cheeks. "Antonio~ Francis~ Come 'ere and give me a hug!" She yelled to the two men.

Antonio and Francis walked up and hugged Violet for a brief moment before looking at Eren. "This chica's a wild one, señor! Keep a look for le señorita." Antonio warned.

"Got it." Eren nodded. Violet hugged Eren and buried her head into his chest. The two men wished them luck and left.

"You smell gewd...really gewd." Violet mumbled before passing out. Eren picked her up bridal style and left, earning gazes and a wolf howl from a wasted Hanji.

Levi soon took his leave, throwing a passed out Rabendaa over his shoulder.

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