One-Shot: Dean[& Sam]Winchester(1){Brotherly!Fluff}

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You watched as your twin, Sam, fell into darkness with your "youngest brother", Adam,. Tears threatened to escape your eyes as you watched from the ground, gripping onto the dry grass. You cried out for Sam as he fell into the cage, bringing all the pain of the world with him.
You remember the last look he gave you before he fell. You looked into his eyes and saw pain, fear, and compassion. The wind stopped ripping at your skin. There was no more noise, but the whimpers off both you and another. You turned your head to look at your older brother, Dean, broken and crying. The way he looked made you feel absolutely horrible... His face was absolutely disfigured... bloody and bruised all over with tear stands on his cheeks running the corners of his mouth. He had a huge black and blue eye, his shoulder looked way out of place. He had cuts and scrapes with blood slowly dripping out of them all over his body. He sat against the Impala, not able to move. He just looked at the empty space where Sam disappeared, forever.
"Dean," you were able to whimper through tears and pain. He didn't look at you for a moment. He just closed his eyes, as if he was excepting death any moment. "Dean," you say once more a bit louder. This time you let the tears pour violently, blurring your vision more than it already was. The salt in your tears made the cuts and scratches on your face hurt even more.
You try to stand up but fail realizing your leg is broken. You cry out in pain and fall to the ground with a heavy thud, knocking the air out of you. You take a moment, trying to regain oxygen into your lungs. You try to push your self up off the ground but go down again from your right arm giving out... Also broken.
You sniffle a bit, blood traveling down your throat slowly. All you taste and smell is the metallic crimson liquid.
"D-Dean!" You say ever so weakly. You hear him inhale shakily and whimper your name hoarsely.
"(Y/n)." You begin to drag yourself across the filthy ground towards him, getting dirt and grime into your deep cuts. You inhale sharply ever so often as you crawl across the ground practically with one arm and leg.
"I-It's o-o-ok-kay, D-Dean-n... I'm almost there... I-It's g-going t-to b-be okay." You say in between whimpers, tears, and pain.
You finally reach him and sit up next to him.
"It's okay Dean." You say weakly, but reassuringly. "It's okay, it's okay."
"N-no i-it i-i-sn-n't, (Y/n). It w-wi-ill never be okay." You hear him mutter in between whimpers, the pain in the universe in his voice.
You take your flannel off, letting a silent cry of pain escape your mouth weakly. You reach into Dean's jacket and take his small flask out.
"H-hey... Remember that time... W-when we w-were y-young... A-and c-carless a-and e-everyt-thing w-was easy b-because n-nothing e-ever m-mattered. We-we w-ere k-kids... N-nothing e-ever mattered w-when y-you a-re a kid..." You say slowly with tears pouring out of your eyes as memory's of the past screamed through out your mind. You poured the alcohol all over your shirt and took it with you somewhat decent hand and blotted it over Dean's face, cleaning the blood and cuts.
"I-it wasn't lik-ke t-that f-for m-me, (Y/n). I was always cleaning up the messes from dad and taking care of your's and Sam's asses. I-I w-was n-never a k-kid." He said, practically yelling with pain all in his voice. Tears were streaming down from your's and Dean's eyes. You cried into his chest, hugging him weakly. He wrapped one arm around you figure slowly, as if trying to protect you from everything.
"I-I j-just w-wanna d-die." You hear him cry out, shaking violently. You began shaking as well and crying harder. You squeezed him a bit tighter and closed your eyes as you cried.
Suddenly, you heard Dean breathe properly, and not shakily. He was still crying, but his heart sounded like it was steady. You turned your head to see an angel, Castiel. He put two fingers to your fore-head and you were normal again... But still hurting inside. The tears still streamed. And you turned back to Dean. He embraced you tightly, yet comfortably as you both cried. You cried into his chest as he cried into your shoulder.
"It's going to be okay Dean. I know. We'll get Sammy back."

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