"Okay, once you're done.She's set to go."The doctor said "A nurse will be out here shortly to take her downstairs in a wheel chair."She waved and exited out the door.

Greg and Niall cleaned a bit the room while collecting some of their stuff.A male nurse came in, he was short, dark skinned and wore a friendly smile."Once you're ready"He told Maura as she was finally out of the restroom.

She nodded,"Yeah, I'm ready"She said politely.He helped her in the wheelchair before taking her downstairs.Her family behind her.

Once they got to the car, everyone thanked the man before going into the car.Driving Maura and Niall home.There wasn't much information that the doctors gave them.Only telling them Mayra couldn't drink much water nor be too active since it would cause her heart to over work itself.

So Greg and Maura just stayed with them for a bit while Niall did his night homework.

"Niall"Maura said from down the hall.

He quickly ran to the living room where she was seated.Greg looking at him with a smirk.

"Yes momma?"

"Greg told me you're going on a date.Why wasn't I told first?"Maura glared at him, jokingly .

"Um"Niall said awkwardly,"I-I don't know."

"Who is it?"

"A friend of mine,his name is Liam."

"Will he pick you up?"

"I-I don't know, he doesn't drive.We haven't made any plans mom.He just asked me "Niall groaned.


Niall woke up to the sound of his phone ringing.He tried ignoring it but the his favorite song by drake kept playing.So he rang his hands over his night stand.

"Hello?"He said groggily, trying to check the caller ID but his phone brightness was too bright for his sensitive eyes.

"Niall!"Harry screamed through the phone."Do you wanna know what Zayn just told me ?"

"Oh my god,you called me for-"

"No, he told me Liam asked you on a date and guess who wasn't informed first.Me!You're my best friend and you didn't even tell me first."

"I didn't even tell Zayn."Niall sighed"I'm sorry, it slipped my mind.But why do more people that I've told know about Liam asking me on a date?"

"Oh well, Liam told Zayn and I think Colin since you know they're best friends and all.And while me and Zayn were on the phone, he told me.So I hung up and called you."Harry said sweetly.

"You guys are so nosy "Niall laughed.

"Well I just want you to know that I'm upset and that'll see you tomorrow"Both said a quick goodbye before hanging up.

A week later

Liam signed for like the tenth time that morning.He wanted to confirm the date, so Liam could further plan it but he didn't want to seem like he's pressuring Niall into the date.

So he silently walked up to the school, Zayn and Colin were behind him.Both acting a fool, laughing a dumb thing.

"I'll meet you right now.I need to look for someone"Liam said mindlessly before walking the opposite direction from his friends.He stopped as he noticed Niall speaking to a tall man.

Niall looked up at him, laughing.But as he tried grabbing Niall's hand, Niall slid it out the way before pretending to wave at someone behind him.

Liam smiled a bit, noticing the small action.He stared at the boy as he turned a bit red but tried playing it off.Liam decided to step in.

Worry About Me Later •NiamWhere stories live. Discover now