A favor

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Stevie stopped the water from running, as she spent another minute just standing in the shower. She wasn't fully awake yet, so it took her a lot more time to do things, for example like right now she needed to get out and dry herself off. Jeremy handed her a towel as he was up early himself like he said he would be. She wrapped her hair in the towel and slipped on her silk robe, leaving little to imagination. 

"What?" She asked, noticing him staring as she moved over to the mirror to put her face cream on. 

"I was thinking how much I want to strip you off and have my way with you right here."

"Romantic." Stevie said dryly, also rolling her eyes. "So, when do I actually get to see you?"

"If it's fine with you, I could come over late this evening?" 


"Great. Although, I do have to run now, I'll have coffee at the office." Jeremy said, kissing her cheek. "Love you, see you tonight."

"Love you, too." It came out so naturally, she probably didn't realize she said it.

Now that Stevie was alone, she remembered Kristen's call the night before and how worried she sounded. Lindsey's wife never just called her to ask her out for a cup of coffee and a chat. Something happened, Stevie was sure about it and it made her really nervous that she didn't know what it was exactly. 

Stevie chose her tuberose body lotion instead of a spray of perfume today, as she was working it into her skin, catching herself looking at her own reflection in the mirror from time to time. For someone as old as me, I look pretty damn good, she thought and went to pick an outfit. She settled with her usual attire, her uniform as she called it, and returned to the bathroom to blow dry her hair. The last thing to do was to apply makeup. Half an hour later, she was waiting for Karen, with her boots on and her sunglasses already sitting on the bridge of her nose.

"What's this about?" Karen asked, stopping at the red light. "Since when are you and Lindsey's wife the best of friends?"

"I wish I knew, Karen. Honestly, this is freaking me out."

"Is there a reason for you to be scared?" Her assistant looked at her pointedly and when Stevie didn't reply, she sighed, shaking her head. "Oh, Stevie..."

They stayed silent for the remainder of the ride, Stevie only said she would call Karen when she needed to be picked up again.

Stevie walked into the cafe, spotting Kristen immediately. She took deep breaths heading towards the younger woman, plastering a smile on her face, when Kristen looked up from her coffee.


"Hi." Kristen smiled weakly as Stevie took a seat. "I didn't order for you, I don't know your preference."

"That's okay." She asked for the waiter and ordered a latte. "Well? What was that late night phone call about?"

"You're not beating around the bush..."

"You got me worried." Stevie shrugged, feeling the same as she did last night. 

"It's Lindsey."

"I somehow thought it would be."

"He came home around 10 pm. He greeted me with a hug, I didn't even get a kiss on the cheek, a fucking hug." That had to be the first time Stevie heard Kristen swearing. "And he smelt of another woman." Stevie did her best to seem concerned instead of guilty. "I must give it to her though, her perfume smells fantastic." Thanks, Stevie thought and then was extremely grateful for the distraction, when the waiter came back with her coffee. "I didn't mention anything, I had dinner prepared, so he ate and went straight to bed." Gosh, how do I zone out and not hear this?, Stevie sipped her latte. "I took his clothes to put them in the laundry basket and I thought I should look for... I don't know, whatever. And I found a hair on his jacket." Now was the moment that Stevie's heart started racing, why did we have to have that fucking quickie before I left?! "This long blond hair..."

"Kristen, I'm not sure what to say here. I... I'm so sorry."

"I wanted to speak to you because you know him better than anyone. I hate to admit it, but you know him better, Stevie, than I do..."

"I, well..."

"Have you noticed something? Is he acting weird when you're away on the road? Has he maybe met some groupie?"

Wait, so you didn't ask me to come here, so you could accuse me of sleeping with your husband?, Stevie almost laughed out loud, wondering if Kristen was actually that stupid and blind. "Nothing comes to mind." She shrugged. "We, you know... We do the soundchek, we play the show and we all go our separate ways again. I'm not around him that much to notice anything like that."

"But you two seem a lot better lately."

"We are, we're doing great, most likely because we're not spending time around each other." Stevie joked, trying to ease off Kristen's worries. 

"So, you don't think he's cheating on me?"

"All I'm saying is that I haven't seen Lindsey with anyone or that his behavior is out of the ordinary."

"I just... I understand if he like... hugged you and your perfume lingered on him for a moment, but not for God knows how long! It's as if a woman was grinding her body against his and the smell is forever on him now."

My God, is this getting more awkward by the second, Stevie tried to appear sympathetic. "I guess you should talk to him, Kristen. There's nothing really that I can tell you, because I don't know."

"Could you please do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

"This is a lot of me to be asking you, but I trust you... Could you keep an eye on him? Just..."

When his head is between my legs or when he's fucking me from behind?, Stevie nodded. "Okay, I promise to."

"Thank you." Kristen smiled and so did Stevie, as they both finished off their morning drinks and parted ways.

On the way back to the condo, Stevie was choosing between calling and not calling Lindsey. Could he speak? She dialed his number anyway and answered almost instantly.

"Hey, baby."

"I understand your wife isn't back home yet."

"No. Did I get it right, she was leaving to see you?"

"That's correct and we just parted after a lovely chat."

"What the fuck? Since when are you doing that? And what were you talking about?"

"Oh, you know... how you smell of me and how she found my hair on your jacket."


"Mhm, that's right, Linds. She didn't actually say it was mine, but she thinks you're seeing someone behind her back."

"Fuck. Fuck!"

"I think you should play the husband of the year for a while now, Kristen's onto you. And she also asked me to keep an eye on you."

"But... you and I are still seeing each other, right? For work related reasons."

"If you can make her believe it's definitely for work related reasons then sure. Or better, don't even tell her you're meeting with me, just come up with something."

"Like what?"

"Gee, I don't know, Lindsey! If you want to see me, I'm sure you will think of a good lie."

"Right, well okay. And when is that I can see you?"

"Come over in... in an hour."

"You know, I'd like it if you were alone..."

"I know. Jerry won't be home until late tonight, he's got a busy day today."

"Fine. See you then."

"See ya."

Stevie put her phone back into her handbag, ignoring the look from Karen. She sighed, leaning her head against the window, silently cursing herself. What happened to staying away from Lindsey?


Hi, I wanted to thank those who are still reading this story, but I've noticed a decrease in votes, so it got me thinking if I should change something, that maybe you lost interest or this isn't any good? :(

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