I'm sorry

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When Jeremy arrived to pick up Stevie as they had agreed, Kristen suggested a night out - a double date of sorts. The four decided on the restaurant they would meet at, after Jeremy took Stevie home to take a quick shower and change her clothes. Lindsey was smirking, listening to her say all of that, knowing exactly why she couldn't go as she was. 

At 8:30 pm sharp, Lindsey pushed the button to lock his car and Kristen showed behind him at Stevie and Jeremy coming their way. 

"How did you manage to get here on time?" Lindsey asked the other man. "Stevie takes forever to get ready to go out."

"I made an effort to be quicker this time." She stuck her tongue out to him and he had to roll his eyes just at how childish she could be, 67 years old or not.

They were led to a corner, were a dimly lit booth had been reserved for them. Without any thought the four sat down and Stevie ended up with Lindsey, opposite Kristen and Jeremy. 

"I guess you're stuck with me for the night, Steph." Lindsey grinned. 

"We could very easily switch, Linds." Stevie said, placing her hand over his for a moment. 

"I'm absolutely fine with this arrangement." Kristen giggled girlishly. "It's not every night I get to be next to such a handsome gentleman. Sorry, Lindsey." 

"Well, I'll be keeping a close eye on you two then." Stevie looked pointedly at them, then added joking. "Something tells me you have a crush on my boyfriend, Kristen." 

"Hm, I think it's only fair, no? You have a crush on my husband." She shrugged, smiling, pretending to be making a joke as well. 

The waiter approached their table and everyone placed their orders, awaiting their preferred drinks, although, only the women were having them, which scared Lindsey a little. Things between them were good lately, but he feared alcohol might loosen up their tongues. 

"So, how was today? Did you get any work done?" Jeremy asked the two band mates. 

"Oh, it was fabulous!" Stevie replied, in a dramatic manner. "Linds played me some tracks and we started adding some lyrics, harmonizing, recording some demos together." Which they did, after Lindsey stopped harassing Stevie.

"You'll be taking them to show the rest of the band?"

"I think so, maybe even before we leave for Australia."

"You just want us to get off your case about contributing to the album, that's the only reason you agreed to work with me over the break."

"Of course." Stevie nodded. "But it's going a lot better than I thought it would be." She added, her palm falling on Lindsey's thigh under the table. 

"I have to thank you, Stevie." Kristen spoke up. "Lindsey was constantly moaning about you holding back."

"I know, he was doing that only all over the media! Every interview." She rolled her eyes, sighing exasperatedly, although, her hand continued tracing patterns on his leg. 

The waiter returned, bringing the food, as they fell silent until he went away again. Naturally, always hungry, Lindsey dug into his fish and made a face. 

"It's not any good?" Kristen asked, noticing it. 

"It's alright. Lunch tasted better." He smirked, causing Stevie to choke on her wine. He knew she would understand and she knew he said it on purpose. 

"Are you okay, baby?" Jeremy looked over at Stevie, who nodded.

"Yeah, swallowed down the wrong pipe." She lied, starting to eat her chicken. 

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