We're alone

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For the past ten minutes Stevie was trying to help Jeremy to bed, the very same night, as he had a few too many drinks. But he had a different idea, all of a sudden he became entranced by Stevie's hair, that looked like 'long, wavy rays of sunshine'. If not that, then he was trying to get his hands up her blouse, but she was doing a good enough job fighting him back.

"But I want you, baby. You don't want me? What's wrong?" Jeremy spilled all of it out in a second, cradling Stevie's face in his hands. 

"I do, but, honey... You can't even maintain an erection right now, how do you imagine we're going to have sex?"

"I'll try!" 

She laughed lightly, shaking her head. "Some other night, Jerry. Now please... Go to bed?"

"Alright, alright." He sighed, pulling his jeans down as she helped him to take the shirt off too. "When are you joining me?"

"I don't know, I'll have another glass with Chris and come here, okay?" He only nodded, laying his head on the pillow. "Goodnight."

"Night." He replied and after pecking him on the lips she finally left the room and returned downstairs.

Stevie found Lindsey by himself, refilling his glass. "Where are the others?"

"They went to bed too."


"Well, you didn't sound disappointed at all." Lindsey said sarcastically and patted the empty space on the sofa next to himself. "You guys were quick."

"Huh?" Stevie frowned, reaching for the wine she hadn't finished yet. 

"You forgot to button up your blouse."

"Oh, no. We didn't do anything of that sort, he tried though."

"Why didn't you let him?"

"Because he's too wasted, I'd end up having to finish the job myself."

"That's really hot."

"No, it isn't! Why would you even think so?"

"Do you think it's hot when I do it to you?"

"Well... yeah."

Lindsey remained silent, taking a swig, proving his point. "So, we're all alone..."

"What do you suggest?" She was playing along, the tone of her voice changing completely. 

"That Jacuzzi looks great outside." 

"I've never been in one back at my own house, what makes you think I'll get in here?"

"Because I'll be joining you. Besides, you still have your swimsuit on under your clothes."

"I was too lazy to take it off, putting on a bra for the second time today seemed like too much effort." 

"Come on." Lindsey stood on his feet, stretching out his arm, to take her by the hand. "It's a lovely night and we can have some fun in the hot tub too."

Stevie wasn't resistant at all, as she took the hold of his hand and they went through the sliding door, to where the said Jacuzzi was. She took her time undressing, giving him a little show, he was sure about it. He helped her in and then took off his own clothes, all of them, and got in as well. 

"What if someone decides to join us?"

"I have no problem with it."

"Of course, you need your ego to be stroked, complimenting your dick too."

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