Just a kiss

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A few days later, Lindsey was ringing the bell, outside Stevie's condo, as they had agreed to work on some of her music, impatiently waiting to be let inside. The door opened and he was slightly taken aback, seeing Jeremy. 

"Come in, sorry it took me so long. We were... um..."

"It's alright, I probably don't need to know." Lindsey stepped inside, kneeling down to pet Sulamith. 

"Stevie will be with you in a second." 


"Can I get you anything?"

"No, no I'm good." Lindsey straightened up, sticking his hands into his jeans' pockets. "I didn't interrupt anything I hope, we agreed on 1 pm."

"Yeah, I heard and no, it's fine. We were still in bed, you know, it's still early for Stevie." Jeremy said, laughing a little. 

Stevie finally came to rescue the two men from a slightly awkward encounter. "Hey you." She smiled at Lindsey, hugging him. "Sorry, I got my timing messed up."

"It's okay. I'm in no rush."

"I'll make us a cup of coffee."

"I was already offered it, don't want it, Steves, thanks."

"Yeah, you do." She ignored him, going to the kitchen, Lindsey and Jeremy following behind. "Jerry?"

"Nothing for me, actually, I'll be on my way I think." 

"Oh? Already?"

"You're taking up all my time, I forgot I have a job." 

Stevie approached him, shyly biting her lip. "I'm so very sorry." She stepped into his open arms.

"I'm not." Jeremy whispered into her hair. "Besides, I don't want to be a distraction."

Lindsey had to pretend to be overly interested in Stevie's Yorkie, during the intimate embrace and sharing of sweet nothings. Although, he kept one eye on the two, something inside him making him look. He always thought Stevie was pretty, but why was she suddenly becoming the most beautiful woman in the world to him, now that another man was after her?

Stevie backed off, parting their lips, but Jeremy drew her closer again, pressing a kiss to her hair, again, making sure only she heared it. "I love you."

"I'll call you." She gave him a smile, making him not dwell on the fact she couldn't say the words back to him. 

Jeremy was out the door and Stevie could direct all of her attention to Lindsey, proceeding making that coffee she promised. "I never knew you liked Sulamith so much." She said, smirking. 

"Maybe I have a new found love for her, since her mistress doesn't care about me at all any longer."

"Aw, poor you, Linds." She rolled her eyes, setting a cup in front of him as she was doing her best to get on the high stool next to him. 

"Need me to lift you up?"

"Fuck off."

"What is up with your dirty mouth lately?"

"Maybe my dirty mouth has been having a lot of business lately."

"No! No! No! Not again!"

Stevie's throaty laugh echoed around as she nudged Lindsey and he made a disgusted face. "Oh, come on. I gave you blowjobs too."

"Bye! It was great seeing you." Lindsey turned to slide off the stool, but she grabbed his arm, swearing to stop. "Although, I have to admit, you're a lot more fun to be around."

"You'd be having three orgasms a night, you would be fun to be around too." 

"You promised to stop, what happened to that?" He looked at her pointedly, drinking his coffee. 

"I love teasing you, Linds."

"I can tell, letting me know all about how fantastic your sex life is."

"Aw, touchy subject?" She looked at him, a far too innocent expression across her face. 

"I... no..."

"For an older man, Lindsey, you should be happy you get any at all." She said, placing her hand on his thigh as she gave it a squeeze.

"What are you doing?"


"Bullshit. You're flirting with me."

"You don't like it?"

"No, that's not what I said. I would like to know why you're doing it though. What, Mr Let Me Suck The Air Out of Your Lungs isn't enough for you?"

"Are you jealous?"

"No..." He answered, avoiding looking at her face. "I have a wife, I don't need other women."

"Mhm, but for whatever reason, you kissed me the other night." Stevie brought it up very casually, jumping off the stool, as she took their mugs to the sink. 

"Oh, you can't stop thinking about it?"

"I just want to know what made you do it?" She let the water run, filling up each cup, then spilling out the grounds. 

"I don't know." Lindsey replied, honestly. 

"Do you kiss women, who are not your wife, often?"

"I don't."

"Then why did you kiss me?"

"Because you're not just any woman, Stevie. You're... You're Stevie."

She smiled to herself, knowing he couldn't see it. "It was nice." She admitted, sensing how from playful Lindsey, he was turning into anxious and irritated Lindsey, because she kept pushing the subject that he clearly didn't want to discuss.

"You looked gorgeous and you were very affectionate, being a lot more physical with me than usually and I couldn't resist." Despite himself, Lindsey continued, as he stood on his feet too, walking to stand behind Stevie. "And like you said, for whatever reason, I can hardly resist it now."

"Wha-" She turned around and found herself to be trapped between his body and the kitchen counter. "Lindsey..."


"What's gotten into you? We were doing so well."

"And I don't plan on ruining it."

"You know it always gets ruined once we're more than band mates and friends."

"It's..." He knew it was wrong of him to say it, considering the fact he had been married for over ten years. "It's just a kiss, Steph."

"That shouldn't happen between you and I."

His palm settled on her sides, gripping gently, as she tilted her chin up subconsciously. He didn't let the opportunity pass, lowering his lips onto hers. He grinned inside, feeling her melt in his arms, as she held onto him, her hands on his face. Timidly, he asked her for entrance and she parted her lips just as unsure, sliding her tongue over his, instantly her mind being flooded with memories. Without breaking the kiss, he hoisted her up onto the counter top and stood between her thighs, his palms on them. Shortly, his mouth began devouring her neck, wandering lower to her cleavage, as his hands gripped her butt, edging her closer, as she wrapped her legs around him. The feeling of his growing arousal, snapped her out of it and she put her hands on his shoulders, slowing him down. 

"What?" Lindsey was breathing heavily. 

"It was meant to be just a kiss." 

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