Find a way

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The one person who was the happiest about Stevie's contribution to the new Fleetwood Mac album was of course none other than Mick Fleetwood. When Lindsey called to inform the band leader of what was going on, Mick couldn't contain his excitement, especially having heard that three songs could already go onto the new record, after Christine's vocals and the rhythm section had added to them as well. Fly over here to Maui, the drummer said, meaning everyone; the whole band and their significant others.

Everyone was on board, which surprised Mick, since when was his band a well oiled machine? He also received a call from Stevie, telling him about Jeremy and asking if it wasn't going to be awkward, since nobody had met him yet except Lindsey and Kristen. No problem, was Mick's answer and now he awaited the whole group to arrive for the weekend. 

It was mid-day on Friday, when Stevie showed up with Jeremy at Mick's home in Maui. The introduction was made and Mick invited them in, adding that Christine and John were already there.

"I don't think we've ever had to wait for Lindsey." Stevie said, walking through the mansion into the living room.

"He made some excuse about arriving later tonight, but honestly, I didn't understand a thing, Johnny was too busy cracking jokes, I couldn't stop laughing." 

"Fleetwood almost pissed his pants." John quipped, standing up to hug Stevie.

"I wish I had been here already!"

"Don't worry, we have three days ahead of us."

"Aren't I going to get some love too?" Christine opened her arms and Stevie stepped into them, embracing the older woman tightly. 

"I already missed you so much! Three other people in the band and I had to be stuck with Lindsey for this break." She dramatized, although, she wouldn't change it for anything. She took a step back, holding out her hand for Jeremy. "You haven't met Jeremy yet." His arm slid around her back, letting everyone know what was going on with them.

"Nice to meet you all." 

"Are you sure he's not a minor, Stevie?" Christine of course couldn't hold it back.

Jeremy just laughed it off and Stevie rolled her eyes, as they all accepted iced drinks off the tray Mick's maid brought them. They all took a seat to catch up a bit. 

"I could hardly believe you joined the making of the album, Stevie." Mick leaned back, placing his arm along the back of the couch. "I had started losing hope."

"You can all thank Lindsey. Or the fact he gets on my nerves! He kept nagging me about it, the phone wouldn't stop ringing day or night!" 

"I'll make sure to." Mick joked and dropped it. "It's nice to see you so happy, Stevie."

"I am. I'm truly so happy because of Jeremy." The couple smiled at each other, as he entwined their fingers together. "At first I was afraid what people would think about the fact he's a lot younger than me, that's the first thing Chris picked up on the second we walked in here, too. Now though, I don't care, not at all. I think I deserve to have a relationship with whomever I want."

The others agreed completely and moved on to talking about what they had been up to since their planes landed the day they parted after the final show in Dublin. 

It was around 3 pm now and everyone scattered until evening, as they decided on having a small party. The sun was out and it was sizzling hot. Stevie met Jeremy outside by the pool, where he was talking on the phone, winking at her as he saw her approaching. She sat on his lap, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"I can't talk now, I'll call you back." Jeremy put his phone away and circled his arms around her waist, leaving a series of kisses on her shoulder and neck.

"Who was that?"

"Sam, he called to inform me about someone interested in having me make a project for them." He was a well respected architect, taking after his father. "The guy supposedly is prepared to pay me whatever I ask for if I drop everything and work for him before everyone else."

"Are you going to do that?"

"I'm not sure, most likely no. I have some very great clients lined up. But let's not discuss my work."

Stevie adjusted her sunglasses, wiping under her eyes. "I'm so sweaty, it's too hot!"

"You could jump in the pool?"

"Would it sound crazy if I said I kind of want to put on a swimsuit and lounge for a while?"

"I would definitely question whether you're the Stevie Nicks I know, but why the hell not?"

"Yeah, I'm going to do that." She stood up to go to their assigned room to change. "I'll be right back. I'll bring the sun cream too, you can help me with it."

"Oh, you bet I will." He brought her hand to his lips before she went inside. 

Stevie returned, but she didn't find Jeremy. Maybe he went to the bathroom, she thought and lay down on her stomach on one of the loungers. She repositioned her sunglasses again and closed her eyes, sighing. A minute later, she heard the sun cream bottle being opened and heard some of it being squeezed out. 

"Good you decided to show up again, I might burn out here, you know?" She felt the cream being worked into her back and she instantly knew those hands. "Lindsey, you fucker."

He started laughing, continuing his task. "Hello to you too!"

"You're taking advantage of this situation."

"Of course I am." His palms went lower to the back of her thighs, sliding up again, very close to where he shouldn't be touching her. 

"Play nice." 

"I'm trying, you won't let me." Lindsey shamelessly stared at her body, unable to remember the last time he had seen her wearing a bathing suit. "You look great."

"Are you trying to score another blowjob?"

"No, Jesus... I'm complimenting you. Now turn around."

"Oh no, not a chance. Jeremy is around here somewhere, he was supposed to help me out."

"But I already did half the job."

"Lindsey, you're not applying sun cream onto my chest."

"Fine." He pouted, putting the bottle away.

"Where's Kristen?"

"Back in Los Angeles."

"What? That is not fair!" 

"What do you mean?"

"You don't have anyone watching you."

Lindsey laughed again. "And you're planning something already, that you wouldn't want to be caught doing?"

"It would have been a lot easier to sneak into your room if Jeremy wasn't with me..."

"We'll find a way, baby. You can trust me on that." 

Jeremy joined them, apologizing to Stevie. "It's okay." She said after he explained he received yet another call from the client he had mentioned to her about twenty minutes earlier. She rolled onto her back, handing him the sun cream. "Now you must pay great attention and not leave one inch of my skin untouched. You have to treat me with extra care since I had to wait for you so long."

"Right, you two grope each other and I'll go settle into my room. See you later." Lindsey said and left, another man's hands on Stevie being the last thing he wanted to see. 

He was green with envy, despite the fact he did what Jeremy was doing now moments ago. He was going to find a way how to get Stevie alone...

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