Chapter 3- First Day of School

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     Math class was just math class; there was nothing new that I haven't already learned. Mr.Parsons, my math teacher, was writing on the chalkboard but everyone waited till he was done writing because he was too fat to see any of the words anyway. There I sat in the middle of the cluttered classroom. As I sat my the flat, uncomfortable chair and studied the maps that were stationed into neat groups on the four walls that surrounded all of us students, which made the room feel tighter and tighter. The class had a stench of wood, paper, chalk, and perfume locating the exact direction the preppy girls that were sitting in front of me. I could hear the quiet sounds of whispers comming from other students and the friction between both paper and pencil from all directions. Yet the only person I could think of was Ponyboy. My next class was English, my favorite. I love writing stories and poetry. I wasn't too focused on the work that Mr. Parsons was still putting on the board because I was already ahead of these problems from my old school. I stared at the clock, I watched as the minutes went by until class was over.

     I quickly gathered my belongings and headed straight toward my locker repeating my locker combination in my head.

24-7-19, 24-7-19,24-7-19...

It was only fourth hour and I felt like it should've been the last. I was tired and I wasn't focused, there was only one thing on my mind was Ponyboy. All I could think of was his dark brown hair and his beautiful dark grey eyes the glistened when he smiled, oh that amazing smile. I snapped out of my trans of thought when I had finally reached my locker. I dropped all of my notebooks into my locker and grabbed a blue folder and a composition notebook along with a few pencils and I made my way towards Mr. Syme's room, I still managed to make it into the classroom early so I had seats to choose from. I glanced around the almost-empty room and found a girl sitting alone, she had tught curls in her dark brown hair, it was almost the same color as mine. She was leaning on her desk reading a book, I made my way over to the second to last row. I soaked up every bit of confidence I had, "Is this seat taken?"

She looked up at me the green eyes a bit lighter than mine, she was a little shocked, " No, it's not." I smiled and sat down next to her.

"I'm Kylie by the way." 


     The bell rang and in came two boys almost out of breath. The first boy was a little short and had dark hair, the other one was Ponyboy. I stared at him in awe, Mr. Syme just huffed and pointed to the desks. I watched as Ponyboy and the other boy started making their ways toward us, they both took a seat at the two desks directly behind Molly and I. I tensed up inside and my heart was almost beating out of my chest, I was so nervous. After a few minutes of thinking of all the bad things that could happen, the worst of all came to mind. Mr. Symes stood up from his desk, just as I had suspected. He stood in front of his desk and his dark piercing eyes connected with mine, I slumped down into my chair and gluped. He announced to the class that there was a new student and called for me to come up to the front of thee room and introduce myself. I stood up and walked to the front trying to hide the horror I was dreading. As soon as I looked up, my eyes connected with Ponyboys. I immedietly tried to avoid contact with him, "Um, I'm Kylie and I just moved here from Indiana." 

Mr. Symes continued with asking questions like, "What do you do in your freetime, whats your favorite subject, and how do you think this year will go for you?" I did answer them honestly. He soon let me go back to my seat. I felt a relief since there weren't any eyes on me, except for one, Ponyboy's. 


Hey guys... I'M BACK!!!!! And I am being completely honest when I say that from now on, I will update within every week or two at a time. I've had a really dark year and had a lot of really bad personal things going on and I wanted to give you guys my best writing. I love you all and thank you so much for motivating me to continue this story, it really means the world to me!!! If you have any suggestions or requests, feel free to message me or comment<3

xoxo- Kylie

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