Chapter 2-The Curtis'

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I stood there silently admiring these three boys. I quickly snapped out of it from the second oldest one welcoming me, " Hi, you must be Kylie. We're your neighbors. My name is Sodapop, this youngin here is Ponyboy." he smiled at me and his eyes stared right into mine, "and this guy right here is Darry, he's the leader of all of us and the gang." I smiled, "Nice to meet you, I guess you know me already." I went to shake Ponyboy's hand but before I could touch his hand Marilyn came in between us, "I think it may be time for you to leave boys, thank you for stopping by." She shut the door before we could even make out another word.

"What was that about Marilyn?" I was kinda mad to be honest.

"You don't need to go near those boys. You hear me?" She was furious and I wasn't sure why.

"Why? Give me one good reason."

"Those boys are nothing but trouble. That means no talking to them, looking at them, or anything else. Got it?"

"Yeah, I guess.

The next day I had school with Marilyn, she is a grade ahead of me but we go to lunch around the same time, so I figured that would be a good time to talk. We both received our lunches and sat down at a table with Marilyn and all of her friends. Marilyn and I were chatting while all of her friends gossiped about random people. After a few moments a group of boys walked in to the lunch room. It was Ponyboy, and- well, I don't really know the rest of their names.

"Ugh, what do these hoods want now?" Marilyn looked shocked yet annoyed.

"Hoods?" I never really heard of any of this- I lived in the country before I came here.

"You see Kylie, these boys are greasers. They never eat in here unless they wanna cause some trouble." Marilyn's friend also looked annoyed- I never caught her name.

"Yeah, those boys are part of a gang, we call them Greasers because they're poor and they grease their hair back. We are apart of a gang called the Soc's, I should have told you about all this last night so you wouldn't be so confused." Marilyn was struggling to keep her thought for some reason.

I couldn't help but to stare at Ponyboy, he was gorgeous. I feel like even though we have never really talked, that we have known each other for years. Lunch was soon over and I had math which was my last class for the day. I was running a little late because of the crowded hallways, when I stepped into the classroom everyone's eyes stared at me, I should be used to it since it was like this all day. I carefully glanced the classroom for an empty seat, and I finally found one and made my way over to it. Only, it was right next to Ponyboy Curtis.

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