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My mothers name was Mary. She was the sweetest person I've ever known. Her hair was as golden as the sun and every inch of her was perfect (unlike me) and my father was madly in love with her. My fathers name was James, he was the tall charming man you would see in a Hollywood movie with a perfect movie-star smile that could make anyone melt. My parents had been married for almost fifteen years, and they never fought, not once. My father never cheated and my mother never lied, they spent every day together as if it were the very first day they had met, which was at the local diner where my mom was a waitress. How they described it was love at first sight.

It was almost their fifteenth anniversary and they wanted to have yet another day together with just the two of them. They had asked me to join along with them but I stayed at my friend Cynthia's house. Cynthia was moving to Texas next week and I wanted to spend as much time as I could with her before she left. I lived in Indiana at the time and we were both in the kitchen helping her mom make her pie which was amazing by the way. The radio came in perfect at her house- we were both crazy about The Animals and The Rolling Stones and don't forget about The Beetles. All the sudden there was an announcement about a car crash on Interstate 98 during a blizzard. I decided to pay no attention to it until the man mentioned my parents, James and Mary. My parents were dead.

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