Chapter 1-Moving

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I was still crushed about my parents death, but I decided to move in with my Aunt Lisa and my cousin Marilyn. I haven't seen them for about two years and they are the only ones who seem to accept me for who I am in my family. You see, my mom is... was beautiful and everything was perfect about her. She had beautiful hair and skin, she didn't dare to wear makeup except for mascara and would only wear makeup for special occasions. She could eat anything she wanted and be as slim as the girls you would see in magazines these days. And my dad's perfect smile and he was so outgoing and athletic and was never shy especially around complete strangers. And here I was, brown hair about as dark as my dads but would bleach somehow from being outside and sometimes almost blonde. I had green eyes just like my grandpa but also the brown like my dads. I wasn't the skinniest girl ever but I was average and at least a little confident about my body. I was very tall for my age yet I didn't play many sports although I was a natural athlete thanks to my dad. I was kind like my mom and had a somewhat alike voice as my mom but that was basically the only thing I had in common with my mom, other than that I was a spitting image of my dad.

It was a hot spring day. It had only been a week after spring break. It took a long time to get things settled with the court and figuring out who would be Pete and I's guardians. I was so grateful when my Aunt Lisa stepped in to take care of me because everyone else in my family is either an alcoholic or a drug addict who didn't give a lick about who I was or where I went or who I was with. Aunt Lisa has always been a second mother to me, although my mom had never forgiven her for something that happened in high school and she would never tell me what happened so I just let it go. I could never see them quite that often due to that, but I loved her and Marilyn anyways. I was reading one of my favorite novels Gone With the Wind, it was my favorite book so far, my mom used to read it all the time.I was ten minutes away and I was checking my outfit to make sure I looked decent at least. I'm not the kind of person that likes to dress up, but I had to today. I wore a black skinny jeans and my dark boots which I loved, my mom hated them and said they were boots that belonged to a gypsy and a beautiful red sleeveless shirt that didn't draw too much attention. I wore my hair naturally curly as usual and I braided my bangs and pinned them back, and yes I tried to sneak on some of my moms mascara. I loved makeup.

I stepped out of my dads 1965 Mustang GT which was one of the all things which I did not get from the will but my dad knew that my Uncle Tom loved it too much. I looked out the window of the drivers seat and I saw a group of the finest boys I've ever seen in my life and one really caught my attention. He was sitting next to two older boys but he seemed to look close to my age and he was gorgeous. He was looking at ME! They were all looking at Me, why? Do I have something on my face? The one sitting between both of the other boys mumbled something that I couldn't quite make out then the slim one who looked like a movie star elbowed him in the gut. I smiled and stepped out of my dads car. On my first step I was thrown into the arms of my aunt and Marilyn. A hug from them could make anyone feel at home again, I missed it. I grabbed three suitcases and walked into the house. I could feel that boys eyes staring at me and I wasn't sure if I liked it or not, maybe I did because I was smiling. I was greeted with the familiar smell of apple pies baking in the oven. I haven't felt this at home since mom and dad died.

After all my luggage was unpacked and put away in my room that I share with Marilyn I decide to go downstairs and eat dinner with Lisa and Marilyn which was amazing because Lisa is an amazing cook. We were cleaning up after supper and I decided to change clothes into denim shorts and a sleeveless Rolling Stones shirt with bare feet, as I was stumbling down the steep stairs there was a knock on the screen door- it was too hot to have the other door shut. I gave Lisa a look of permission to answer it and she nodded.

I opened the screen door and I saw the boy that whispered something earlier and got elbowed in the stomach, he had beautiful green eyes. Also, there was another boy who looked about seventeen or so and he had a gorgeous smile. The other one was one of the finest boys I've ever seen- he was the oldest. He was tall, muscular, and very handsome. The first thing that came into my mind was that these boys must be the Curtis'.

Hey guys I'm sorry this was such a long chapter guess I got carried away. What do you guys think so far? I really hope you like it and I have lots of ideas for this fan-fic!! Don't forget to like and vote... oh and obviously read pleeaasseee!!! Oh and if you have any suggestions please comment!

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