Nine Boys...- Chapter 9

Start from the beginning

    I sat there and thought about it and smiled a little. Start a bakery. Could I? I didn't remember seeing one in town here, just a small coffee shop that offered a small selection of simple treats. It would be fun to open up a shop and see if everyone likes my works.

    "I bet my dad would help in any way. He could see about a store front and any remodeling needed done." He looked over at me. "He really loves having you with us."

    "I really like being with you guys." I smiling looking down. "Your dad is amazing taking me in and treating me like his daughter. He would have been an awesome dad to a daughter if he ever had one. I think she would have been like me if he ever had one."

    He stopped in front of a house that we could hear the music even inside the cab of the beast. "I have no doubt he would have spoiled her rotten, but no one would be like you. You're completely unique." He kissed my cheek before he slipped out of his seat and came around to help me out.

    I wasn't about to get out by myself. Not with this short of a skirt. I was not about to be flashing my underwear at anyone. That would have been too embarrassing to recover from especially if guys wink at me later for the display.

    Daemon put his hands on my waist and lifted me out of his beast smiling at me. I smiled back because I felt a wave of protection from his touch. Like everything was going to be alright as long as he was near me. The more he's around me, the more these feelings surface and intensify.

    When I was on my own heeled feet, he took my hand and laced his fingers together. "Come on babe, we have a party to have fun at." I giggled as he took me inside.

    The sound from the music blaring was loud, but ever since this Monday, I've been learning to deal with my new senses. They may be heightened, but they now felt natural to me. Sounds didn't sound like they were screaming in my ears. Sights looked normal though more defined. Tastes were overpowering at times. Even my touch has calmed down so I wasn't in awe of everything any more. So the music wasn't giving me a migraine thankfully.

    People clapped Daemon on the back and greeted me smiling. I was introduced to so many people that I couldn't tell you their names if my life depended on it. There were just too many to remember.

    Through all the introduction, someone had handed me and Daemon a red plastic cup. I sniff the contents and scrunched my nose at it. Daemon told me I didn't have to drink. That he would get me a water. All I had to do was say the word.

    I bit my lip and did something very rebellious. I took a big gulp of beer for the first time in my life. Daemon looked at me shocked but then I had to go and choke and cough with a look of disgust.

    He rubbed my back chuckling and took the cup from my hand. "I think it's not for you."

    I smiled at him in between coughs. "Did someone give me spicy animal pee?"

    He laughed and shook his head. "Nope, just cheap beer. I think there's some wine coolers for those not used to beer." He lead me through the crowd with our hands still threaded together.

    We found the kitchen and he stooped down to a ice chest. He picked up a wine cooler for me and opened it before he offered it to me. I bit my lip looking at it. "I thought it's illegal for me to have alcohol."

    "Our town has a more European stance on drinking. Anyone over sixteen is legal. The sheriff found that he had less problems when he allowed drinking than when he left it at twenty-one." He smirked as he finished off his beer.

    He pointed to my wine cooler. "You could sip on that for hours if you want to feel better." He lifted up the red cup that had been mine. "I don't drink after midnight so I'm sober to drive back."

Nine Boys... Then There's Me. {A Royal Wolves Story #1&2}Where stories live. Discover now