Cry of the Broken Hearted

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This is my first book everyone so please be nice and comment/like etc. Enjoy your read!

Emily x


Chapter 1

I sat, watching the world through my bedroom window, wondering, "What would life be like if he said yes?" and "Does he love me?" My mind wandered and I felt as if I was floating in space, floating around aimless. It was a lovely feeling.

"DINNER TIME!" Mum shouted, startling me.

"COMING!" I yelled back, annoyed.

Grudgingly, I started down the stairs and... well, I'm thinking you won't want to read about such a boring thing as me eating dinner so I guess I should tell you my name... my name's Alice, Alice Cooper... and I'm a broken hearted girl.

It all started when I was going out with Alex. We were perfect together, everyone said so. I loved him and he loved me - I thought so anyway... Alex dumped me about a year ago. He said it wasn't working and could we 'just be friends'. It broke my heart and I've never fully got over it. Of course, nothing's ever been the same between us. He's now going out with my best friend, Mandy. Yeah, I know it sounds mean but he waited a few months before going out with her. I forgave her.

But it's not Alex I'm here to tell you about, it's Harry. I started fancying Harry about 5 months after Alex. He's a nice guy, smart, funny and kind. He's never had a girlfriend before and doesn't really bother with love. Thing is, when I finally plucked up the courage to talk to him and say I fancied him, he said the he liked me but he doesn't do relationships and stuff. It was the expected answer but it still threw me a bit and broke my heart a little bit more.

So, here I am, stuck in a world where my ex is going out with my best friend, the guy that I fancy doesn't want to go out with me and my heart is broken beyond repair. Welcome to my world...

Right, back to where I was, where was I....? Oh, yeah, dinner. So I've walked downstairs to the dining room to eat with my mum, dad and brother. Lamb casserole. My favourite...not! *Sigh* I think I'll skip dinner today.  "Mum, I'm not hungry, can I go upstairs? I feel a bit ill." I said, lying through my teeth.

"But you have your maths exam tomorrow, you need to be strong and healthy for it so you can get the best result possible." Mum replied.

Noooooooooooo! I'd completely forgotten! I needed to study. Now. "But Muuuuuuuuuuuuum...." I groaned.

"Oh, alright then." she sighed. Rushing out of the room, I legged it up the stairs into my room to study. That exam is important and I wanted to do well. Oh, why is my life so complicated? So I studied. Revised to my heart's content, taking in as much information as possible. It wore me out so much, I must have drifted off to sleep because I woke up the next morning in the same clothes, with the imprint of the text book on my face...

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