OSC/ Ten

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One Step Closer/ Ten

                                Austyn Hill rolled out her bed sluggishly, as her text alert sounded on her cell phone. She looked at the message…it was her “agent”- a rather tall guy, who answered to the moniker, of Gavin Torres. She dialed his number. “You got a gig for me?”

                               “Of sorts….we need to talk, babes. Can you be at my place at 10-ish?”

                              “Sure. Let me get freshened up, and I’ll be there,” yawned Austyn. She ended the call, and stood, stretching her extremities…Austyn went to her closet, pulling out a pair of worn-out jeans, and a Bionic Woman t-shirt. She then grabbed her black and white checkered Vans.

                              Austyn stood in the shower, as the water poured over her body…she took pride in her physique, going to the gym three times a week, not really eating a lot of fatty foods (she really didn’t eat much throughout the week), and cutting back on her consumption of alcohol from the way she used to drink, back in her “party girl” days. She may have also cut the curve a little with the use of drugs from time to time, but overall, Austyn felt really good about herself…she felt for the first time in a long time, that she was in control.

                            She brushed her short cut, which she now had colored, with a few streaks of black in the front. Austyn walked to her room, donning her bra and panties. She hooked the clasps, turning her bra around and then slipping her arms through the shoulder straps. Austyn put on the rest of her clothes, then returned to the bathroom, to brush her teeth and apply her makeup…once again, it was the heavy eye shadow and mascara that gave her the emo look, and a nice berry shade of gloss. She admired herself in the mirror, smiling.

                              Austyn walked into the kitchen, grabbing her travel cup, and pouring the last of the coffee that Criss had left for her. She put the lid on her cup, grabbed her purse and keys, and left. Austyn stepped into her 2-door, hatchback, lime green Ford Focus, setting her coffee in the drink holder, and plugging in her iPod. “Hey,”

                                She looked to a well built black guy, with his dog on a leash. She lowered her sunglasses. “Hey, you…I see you’re walking Ginger,”

                               He rolled his eyes, with a light laugh. “Dang…you remember my dog, but you can’t remember my name. That’s bad,”

                              Austyn winced, showing her pretty whites. “I am so sorry…um… ‘Mr. Man from 7G’. I am really bad with names…how’s skating?”

                             “Skating is good. I’m gonna be in La Jolla in a few weekends…come and see me get some air,” he said. Austyn played with the dog, while looking to him. “And the name is Derrick, ‘Miss sexy pink bikini at the pool’,”

                              Austyn stood, glaring at his tight muscles, that showed through his American Eagle tee, his lips, his smile, and his shiny low cut on his head. She reached, caressing his head. “Mmmm…smooth,”

                              “So where are you headed to, Miss Austyn?”

                             “I gotta go meet my agent, to see he has some work for me,” she said, taking her sunglasses off, and setting them on her head. Austyn bounced with a perkiness that widened Derrick’s smile. “You gonna be at the pool this evening?”

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