
How was that possible?

She had been waiting for this moment for years. Dreamed of it. Dedicated her life to it. Gave up everything. Everything she was and everything she had been and now here she was and she just felt empty.


Nothing but a vacant husk. A rotted shell. Drained of everything. She stood there staring at the body of the man who had turned her life into hell on earth. Who had robbed her of everything good and light and got nothing. Everything was the same. She was the same. Everything she had lost was still gone. The memories of everything he had done still remained and the past she wanted so desperately to change remained present and untouched. She felt absolutely nothing.

"You're a little violent." A wobbly high pitched voice broke into her disturbing and morbid epiphany. Grateful for the excuse to push aside such unsettling thoughts Aislinn turned to look at Ciera.

"I learned from the best." Her voice was lifeless. Devoid. Dead. Just like her.

"I'm getting that. Not that I condone ... Well any of this ... But I'm getting the sense that he was a bad man?" She questioned as she eyed the limp body her face slightly green as her eyes tried in vain to ignore the bloody and gaping hole in his chest.

"The baddest."

"Okay then. Glad that's settled. So umm what happens next?"

Aislinn watched her for a minute trying to gauge her stability. To be honest she had expected a bit more of a reaction from the girl. After all she had just tied up her father, killed three of her pack's guards, and then ripped a man's heart out while he was still alive. They had all deserved it and much worse of course but she had still thought she'd be dealing with a catatonic or freaking out Ciera. Not a tentative but generally cool and calm Ciera.

"Are you sure you are okay?"

She watched as her eyes flashed to the various corpses scattered around the room before meeting hers. Then she watched as the girl swallowed deeply took a breath and squared her shoulders. And in that moment Aislinn saw her mate. The set of her eyes, the determination and strength that took her over was so similar to Kaiden. She looked exactly like him, it pierced through her.

And finally she felt something.

The empty, hollow feeling that had filled her since she killed Mac receded just a bit. The black horrible emptiness that was threatening to consume her was pushed back just a smidge. Just an ounce, but in that tiny space she felt it. Life, love, happiness, grief, sadness, loss, lust, desire, fear, all of it. It was tiny, oh so small but she clung to it. Clung to that small life line that promised to keep her from giving into the abyss. Into the nothingness that had become her. She inhaled a deep breath of relief, fighting the feel of tears in her eyes as a small smile slipped onto her lips.

Ciera smiled back at her timidly. "Yeah. I'm okay."

Nodding Aislinn turned to the partially conscious and slumped form of Alpha Sergio. "Okay good because we're getting the fuck out of here."

She was hoping that enough of her strength had returned for this next part. It had been grueling trying to force the healing and would have gone faster if she stopped getting new injuries and losing so much blood. But she was hoping it was still enough.

Crouching down before Sergio she ripped the gag from his mouth and tipped his head up so he was looking at her face.

"Look at me." Her voice was pure cold hard command. He looked.

"You will not attempt to reach for your pack. You will alert none. You will link to no one unless I tell you too. You will speak only as and what I tell you too. You will not attempt to flee. You will not attack me or your daughter. You will follow everything I or Ciera tell you to do. Do you understand?"

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