Keep An Open Mind [EPILOGUE]

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When you have multiple personalities you can't just cut them off your life forever, I guess, but now I was the one in control. I was the one with the power, not him, he was getting even intimidated by my now stronger personality.

Maybe I was wrong when I said that you can't tame a monster if you're it, because no one can ever be considered a monster. We decide what to be, not anyone else.


I wasn't expecting to be okay with Justin but Lynn was right, he never wanted to do the bad things he had done. It wasn't his fault and I couldn't blame him forever. Also he was a cool guy, after all, and he's  grown a lot on me.

Not long after we got to this island for the first time, he told me that he had met up with Brad - Kyle's step-brother - to check on Kyle's conditions. I wasn't close to Kyle and hadn't heard of him since the accident, yet it surprised me when Justin told me Kyle was out of the coma now.

He even said he saw him and Kyle understood the situation, and forgave him despite how hesitant he could've been because after all, it wasn't Justin's intentions, the blame was all on Jarrod. Oh, Justin even said he met Lynn and Jenna right before meeting Brad, they were going to a Paramore concert if I'm not wrong. I guess it's destiny or some shit.

"Man, I think you should try some cool sport. Like boxing. It's cool." I said sipping on my orange juice.

"Don't know, maybe I'll give it a try." Justin replied and reached out his arm to grab the pitcher with orange juice, accidentally spilling the juice on my gray shirt.

"Oh my... I'm sorry..." he stuttered and grabbed a napkin to help me clean, but I grabbed his wrist and took a deep breath.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." I said firmly and released his wrist, taking the napkin from his hands instead. He seemed quite surprised by my reaction, but I was even more. It's amazing how in such a little time I had learned to control my anger. After all, there was nothing to be mad about now. Everything was okay, and rage only makes things worse. Now that no one judged me or treated me like I was insane, I had nothing to be upset about, and my mind was actually peaceful.

I still was impulsive and sometimes snappy, but no one really minded cause I changed those aspects of myself that were driving me crazy.

It was time to enjoy the calmness instead of freaking out over the stupidest things.


By the time I and Alexa arrived to the breakfast table, no one was there.

Everyone was down on the sand, sitting in circle and chatting. Oops, late.

"What were you doing all this time?" Sam asked with a laugh, petting the fluffy Abraham Jr. as her father got up to go clear the table. He was, like, a saint. Every once in a while he would go to town with the helicopter and bring us things like clothes or other needs.

"We went for a swim." I replied, as Alexa hummed along. We had done a lot of catchup very quickly when we first got to the island, and it was amazing to have my best friend back. It didn't surprise me honestly, even though she left with no explanation when we were little I never stopped caring for her.

"You swam? For so long?" Brian asked and we nodded, truthfully.

"Oh and Lynn played guitar." Alexa added, pointing at the guitar I was holding.

"I thought it wasn't your passion?" Justin asked.

"Photography is. I enjoy drawing and playing guitar though." I shrugged.

"Oh, I like your drawings. They're weird, which makes them rad." Angela said and I laughed a little.

It felt strange to look back at my drawings and thinking that they pictured the truth, and seeing how I got there.

"What did you play anyway? Learned any new song?" Alex asked.

I looked at Alexa and she smiled at me, nodding slightly.

"Do you wanna hear?" Everyone nodded excitedly as Alexa and I sat down on the sand with them, joining the circle.

It seemed like the first time we got there, just as perfect. In this time span I had learnt so many things about myself I didn't know were there, I acquired new emotions and was fully living my life. I realized my biggest desire, and I was happy. For once I was finally truly happy.

It was a long and hard journey to me, but it paid off, and I couldn't be prouder.

I was content with what I had done and in just one week, nearly one year ago, I changed in the best of the ways. Well, not 'changed', just figured myself out and started understanding life better, keeping on exploring every region of my personality and mindset.

Everyone has their place in the world and even if it might be hard to find it, the result is worth the effort. I guess many people couldn't see what I'm talking about cause they don't give room to multiple possibilities, they don't accept the unknown. But you can't define something as 'wrong' just because you don't understand it. And everyone's peculiarities make them special, you should just take a look at my group of dorky best friends to realize that. Most of us were considered insane but the truth is we just saw things in different ways because not everything is as obvious as it might seem.

I think the problem with so many people is that they only see with their eyes and aren't able to go any further, to look forward; see with their minds. If they were able to go past the spectrum of the common idea and make up their own mind, they would find real happiness.

I believe the only way to live your life properly is doing it on your own terms and always remember to keep an open mind, cause there are things you can't see if you're not willing to accept them in the first place.

The group's eyes were all on me, waiting for me to start playing. So I did, I played the song I had finally completed. Before this experience I wasn't able to finish it, cause the missing parts of the song coincided to missing pieces of my life. But now that my mind was made up, I felt like I was complete, and so was the song.

"I can see the doubt in your eyes,
You say there's no such thing as better things in life.
Well, I must confess this is all too new for me,
A whole new world, a whole new world to see.

Trust me, you'll be just fine,
I need your trust just for tonight.
This is not a place in my head,
Reach out your hands and tell me just what you feel.
This is not just all in your head,
Mind over matter makes these things feel so real.

Keep an open mind, it brings open hearts and open eyes.
You walk around with your hands out, and I've never seen anyone so blind.

This is not a place in my head,
Reach out your hands and tell me just what you feel.
This is not just all in your head,
Mind over matter makes these things feel so real."



A/N: We've come to an end! First of all, thank you so so so much for reading/voting/commenting, I really appreciate it, so thank you. Now I've got some things to say:

-There won't be a sequel. Most of you ship Lynexa and I do too, but I thought it wouldn't fit in this story so sorry if that disappointed you. But what happened after the epilogue, I leave it up to your imagination. Could've been Lynexa, if you'd like it, who knows.

-If you're curious (yeah no one is, loser) the songs that mostly inspired this book are Mind Over Matter (captain obvious), The Heartless, Let Them In and Demon Limbs.

-Your comments really made me happy, you're all so nice. I really enjoyed writing this story, it means so much to me and I'm actually proud of how it turned out. I'm sorry if there's any grammar mistake I may have not noticed, being Italian my english isn't perfect and I'm aware.

That's all I had to say, let me know your opinions about the book and go read my other works (if you want). Have a lovely day frenz <3 -Robs xx

Keep An Open Mind {Lynn Gunn}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin