Chapter 25

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~Riley's POV~

I walked out of the building, not able to wipe the smile from my face. I held the picture of two small figures which were nestled and sleeping inside me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"So I was walking down the street-"

"Christian just tell me where you are so I can take care of the people trying to kill you." I sighed and hailed a cab.

"No I took care of them. But you might wanna see this."


The cab driver halted. I paid him and stepped out of the car, seeing the café Christian had told me about plus the alley right next to it. The café looked nice, like the place you would be happy spending your Saturday mornings with the one you love and some coffee. It had a welcoming smell coming from it.

I walked towards the alley.

"Christian?" I whispered, looking around. "Over here!"

I walked around further until my foot caught on something and I fell. I put my arms out to brace my fall but I didn't hit the ground.

An arm was around my waist with a hand gripping my wrist. "Be careful." Christian said, pulling me back up to my feet.

"Thanks." I said a little breathlessly.

Christian clicked a flashlight on and I saw four men unconscious and tied up to a metal fence that was in the back of the short alley.

"Holy shit. You did this?"

"Yup." He said, nodding his head proudly.
"Wow, I didn't think you had it in you."

He nodded. "I heard them talking about who they've killed and who they're going after next. But I don't think they're alone, I'm pretty sure one of them was on the phone with a boss or colleagues or something."

"What was the name of the next victim?"

"Uhh a Mr. Marco I think..."

I gasped. "That's my brother-in-law! Christian we have to save him! He's after my family!"

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