"Kuro-tan, sorry if I made you think that way. I have just been thinking."

        "Ah! It's Kuroko-nii and (Y/N)-nii!"

        "I really love children." he smiles as he hugs one of the smaller kids. "I wouldn't mind becoming a teacher.. or a parent just to watch them grow. They're gentle when I interact or play with them."

        'What would be even more nice.. is that I can spend the future with you as well.' He glances at you, making you slightly blush. It felt like your heart fluttered, but when it did, Momoi appeared from your mind.

        What would someone do if they like the same person as your friend? If you did told them, what if there was an outcome that they'll end up hating you? You want to be in love with Kuroko-kun but at the same time you wished, you wish you didn't.

        You couldn't tell her and didn't want to give up on the shadow. Instead, you secretly want to keep your love for Kuroko-kun hidden. Just until you have enough courage to tell Momoi how you really felt about Kuroko-kun.


        Aomine started to grow stronger. So much that he skip practice. You weren't able to call him Daiki-oniitan after that. He changed. And it was getting more scarier because now you started to not recognize the boy who loved basketball most.

        With the tournament finally done, Kuroko-kun and Aomine-kun both distanced with each other. The third years left...and the coach collapsed... Everyone's abilities and skills started to rose. Everything was falling apart. You noticed something strange was going on.. But you refused to accepted it. You knew it but couldn't admit it to yourself that everyone is no longer close as they use to be.

        Just one day, the one day you weren't there.


        "The orphanage was busy that day. I couldn't show up to practice. One day! Just that day, I had to be gone..!" The team listened to Kuroko-kun's talk with Aomine-kun back then. You felt like crying. A memory like this was something you wish you didn't remember. But even if you were there, what would of you done?


        Everything was still wet from yesterday's rain. You jump over a puddle. Momoi walks right next to you, looking at you with concern. At the time, she had a feeling you and Akashi-kun were a thing so she was worried how to break the news to you.

        "(Y/N)-chan, stay away from Akashi-kun today."

        "Eh? Why?"

        "I promise I'll tell you at lunch so please avoid him if you see him today. Promise me."

        "I got it." And when you did see Akashi-kun, you turn away, avoiding him just like what Momoi had said. You wondered why but it could only wait for the news about Akashi-kun that could upset Momoi like this.


         You put your bag on the floor and look at Kuroko-kun, looking more sad. His eyes were empty. You wanted to go up to him but the teacher had already started class. '...Kuro-tan?'


        "Satsuki-tan, did something happened?" She looks down, not knowing where to begin.

        "Akashi-kun and Mukkun.." It took a while to explain; you looked at your hands, shocked.

        "Something like this happened?! Then what about Kuro-tan? Why is he-" you looked up an image of Aomine laying on the rooftop, sleeping. "Did he had a fight with Dai-tan?"

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