Chpt. 6

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Princess here: GASP!?!? You all recall my amazing cliffhanger,right?? Good, cuz if you don't I will come to your house just to poke you in the eyes! Now, let's pick up with our poor heroine and see how she copes with the terrible truth about *pauses dramatically* Chase Mahor!                                            


      I will not throw up, I will not throw up, oh my god I'm going to throw up.

      Chase looked at me with a really worried expression. "Ari? Are you okay? Um, you're turning a little green." He approached me slowly, deliberately trying to keep me calm. "I'm not going to hurt you."

      I felt a warm, strong arm wrap around my shoulders. "Please say something..."

      I managed to squeak out, "You're a vampire? Really?"

      He smiled, and his incisor teeth became longer and sharper as I watched. I yelped and tried to push away from him, but he just held me tighter, my hands lying on his chest feebly.

      "I take it you don't want to watch the movie marathon," He said, not really caring. All he appeared to care about was whether I was okay or not, which was really sweet.


      I need a nap. I need time to think. I need answers.

      " Chase," I said firmly, "Get in the car, now."

      He rolled his eyes. "Someone's feeling better."

      I began to drive and realized I had no idea where he lived. "Uhhhmmm..."

      "Left," Chase said. I turned and began to drive up a big winding driveway. At the top of a hill, overlooked the entire town, was the most gorgeous house I'd ever seen.

      It has old and gothic, like something straight out of of a horror story.

      That's probably why he likes it.

      "So, I'm guessing no parents," I muttered nervously. Chase took my hand slowly. "I'm not going to bite you, I swear. Not unless you want me to."

      I glared at him. "Why in the world would I want you to stab me in the throat?!" He shrugged. "I don't know, some girls are kinky like that."

      Chase let go of me and opened the front door. I was honestly suprised by the lack of moats and drawbridges, that's how old this thing looked.

      "About my lack of parents, I'd imagine you had some questions." I gave him a duh look.

      He sat on a massive set of stairs and patted the area next to him. "Pull up some stair."

      I sat down slowly, and Chase began.

      "For the first ten years of a Fledgling's life,they will live with their vampire Master, better known as a Sire. Unfortunately some creepy old guys became creepy old vampires and, well, if you're born a pedo, you're reborn an even more powerful pedo." I blushed, that's a horrifying thought. "That makes sense."

      Chase smiled and continued, " Now, Fledglings can be adopted by families with some vampire blood in them. This means that somewhere down the line, either a vampire mated with a member of their family, or a member of the family has had a run-in with vampires. Only, instead of Child Safety Services it'smore like Fledgling Safety Services. In any case it's like adoption, but it requires vampiric roots.

      " Having vampire family is harder to come by now because all the vampire/human relationships are being dissolved. The Head Vampires thought it would be for the best to just stick all the "orphaned" Fledglings together in various foster homes. I believe thier taking advantage of these poor people's hospitality. Stupid Head Vampires don't realize the tough spot they're throwing these parents into."

      I swear he didn't breathe at all through that whole explanation. Ooh I've got all sorts of vampire cliche questions now!

      "Are you nocturnal?" Chase blinked. "I do go to school, right?" ...Oh yeah...

      "Are you allergic to garlic? That never made sense to me." "no, some idiot townspeople thought it kept us away when truthfully, their breathe just stunk really bad. It was murder on our heightened senses." I opened my mouth, but he cut me off, " The sun irratates my eyes sometimes, and I can smell your honey shampoo."

      That was creepy. "Can you read minds?" "No." "Then how did you know what I was going to say?"

Chase was puzzled. "No idea."

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