Chapter 15: Antiqua munia, novum welders

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"You two emailed us?" Jane asked, shock forming in everyone's face.

"How did you get how of our email address?" Darcy questioned, tilting her head.

"That doesn't need answering right now Miss Lewis." Bethany replied, her hands folding in front of her.

"What does need answering is question we have." Deanna spoke up, walking towards the science trio. "Did you find the books we requested?"

"Of course." Erik replied, pulling out two old books from his bag. "Novem regna and Antiqua munia, novum welders." Carefully Mr Selvig handed the two books over to the small blonde. With a grin and a thanks both girls bolted it towards the stairs and down to their floor. All the adults exchanged looks before beginning a round of small talk.

Once inside Bethany's room the two young girls jumped onto the bed and opened the first book they were told to get 'Antiqua munia, novum welders'. "It's all in Latin." Bethany sighed. "Looks like you're going to have to do a lot of translating De." The blonde shrugged and began reading aloud.

Since the beginning of time the Gods and Goddesses have been able to control the very elements that make up the realms along with many more powers. These powers were specific to a certain family of Gods and Godesses, they rarely strayed away from the family origin.

However, these powers were endangered when a war between families broke out and killed many Gods and Goddesses. At the end of the two hundred year war only two Gods remained; Cidvilasa, the God of illusions and Bilant, the God of healing. Both had lost their families in the war.

Cidvilasa and Bilant were weak but pledged a truce, ending the two hundred year war. However the weakening Gods had to strip themselves if their powers in order to keep at least theirs alive in the nine realms. The Gods passed away peacefully after sending their powers off to an unknown realm.

The powers of illusions and healing have been said to still be traveling the realms, looking for the perfect being to latch into. Legend says that once the powers latch on to their perfect beings, as well as activating the powers will also bring along abilities unique to them.

The power of illusions is said to bring the talent of analysing emotions for the illusions often play with the victims emotions, meaning the welder must beware of emotions around them. The power of healing is said to bring along the ability to communicate with people from all realms for they can heal them all.

What one must remember is with there powers comes great responsibility and the freedom to travel between realms once the welder has mastered the control of both the power and the talent. This means that whoever comes to possess these powers will have the chance to become a God or Goddess.

Deanna read further silently as Bethany took in all the information given to her. "The rest is just information about Gods and Goddesses, stuff we already know." Deanna informed her brunette friend. Bethany nodded, snapping out of her information filled daze.

"It says we posses the power of a God, that we can become Goddesses and travel around the nine realms." Bethany finally spoke.

"I know Beth I was the one who read it." Deanna chuckled, carefully closing the book to make sure it didn't fall apart. "The question now is how does that help us?"

"We know the origin of our powers and what they bring and lead to." Bethany spoke slowly, nodding her head as she did so. "Something tells me we won't find out how to control our powers unless we head to one of the nine realms."

"Yeah but which one?" Deanna questioned.

"My guess is Asgard would be our first port of call, but maybe the other book will give us the answer." Bethany replied.

"It would, if it had any writing." Deanna said, holding up the wordless book. "The only chapter with writing is the one about Midgard or Earth."

"Shall we see what Thor, Jane, Darcy and Erik know?" Bethany suggested, picking up 'Antiqua munia, novum welders'. Deanna nodded, closed the wordless book and followed her friend out. Both unaware of the female of light watching them and smiling at their decision.

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