Chapter 5: The God of Thunder

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After the girls had finally settled to eat, Natasha took them both down to the garage while Pepper swiped one of Tony's many credit cards. "Where do you think you're going with that?" Tony asked, not even looking away from the baseball game the men were all watching.

"Shopping. The girls need clothes, they don't have anything." Pepper replied innocently.

"And by clothes you mean..?"

"Tops, trousers, skirts, dresses, shoes, PJ's, underwear and accessories." Pepper listed off. "Oh and paint if they want."

"And paint if they want, really Pepper?"

"Tony they are living with us now, we can't just leave them without anything!" Pepper exclaimed.

"Pepper what your forgetting that this wasn't my decision, even Fury first said an orphanage would be better!" Tony argued.

"How could you both say that!" Pepper yelled. "They're innocent little girls, they've don't nothing wrong!" Steve, Bruce and Clint had all turned away from the TV at this point, as well as Natasha, Bethany and Deanna looking though the door, coming up from the garage.

"Pepper they aren't really any of our concern, they should be Agent Ingly's problem. She brought them back so she should have a to deal with them!" Tony replied harshly.

"You really don't want us do you?" Bethany asked, her voice small and broken. Pepper whipped around to face the two young children, both of them had tear filled eyes.

"Oh darling of course we-"

"Don't." Deanna finished, her voice angry but figure weak and upset.

"I told you." Bethany sighed, taking her friends hand. "I said we weren't wanted anywhere." With that both girls took off down the stairs and towards the exit. Natasha, Clint and Steve sprinted after them while Pepper and Bruce stayed and glared at the billionaire.

"J.A.R.V.I.S put the tower on lock down." Pepper ordered. "Don't let them escape."

"Yes Miss Potts."

"I don't understand Tony. You seemed fine in the jet." Bruce sighed.

"Look we shouldn't have to spend all this money on two little girls that aren't exactly special, and won't be staying with us long. As soon as Jamelah is finished with the mission she's running at the moment the pair are going to live with her." Tony replied.

"So your just going to let them run?" Pepper asked in shock.

"An orphanage will find them." Tony shrugged. "I'm just saying if they were to stay they'd be going straight to the inter once she's finished."

Suddenly the sound of smashing glass echoed through the tower before J.A.R.V.I.S' voice. "Miss Deanna had just smashed one of the windows Sir and they are no longer in the tower."

"Wait how did she break my window?"

"You have a reception Tony." Pepper sighed. "There's a lot of stuff down there that she could use to break the window."

"Yeah well she used a pen." Natasha said, walking back into the room alone. "Steve and Clint are trying to follow them but they're too fast, not to mention small. I doubt the guys will find them." Pepper glared at Tony before storming out of the room, her heels clicking loudly against the floor.


Meanwhile the two girls had managed to escape the busy city centre and hide in a field. No one could see them there so they wouldn't have to face rejection again. As they sat atop the soft green grass they both cried, Bethany quieter than Deanna but still letting tears stream down her face.

"This is ridiculous!" Deanna yelled. "Why us? What did we do to deserve this?"

"We didn't do anything." Bethany sighed, pulling her smaller friend in for a hug. "It's just everyone else is scared of what we can do." Suddenly a beam of light hit the ground not to far away from the girls, wind whipped around them and howled like wild dogs that were caged away.

Bethany and Deanna looked away until everything settled once more. When they looked up the two children gasped and blinked several times over. Standing in the centre of what looked like a crop circle was a tall, buff male with long blonde hair and a hammer in his right hand.

"Is that?" Bethany asked in amazement, causing the male to turn around and face her and Deanna.

"It is!" Deanna squealed. "It's Thor of Asgard! Just like out of the Norse Mythology books!"

"What are two young maidens doing out here all alone?" Thor asked, kneeling down on one knee in front of the girls. The pair exchanged looks, shifted on their feet and kept quiet. "You have ran from somewhere haven't you?"

"Yeah." Whispered Deanna, her gaze cast to the green under her.

"But please don't take us back!" Bethany begged.

"Where did you come from?" The God of Thunder questioned. Neither girl answered. "Well then!" The blonde male scooped the two girls up in his left arm, causing them to giggle and laugh loudly. Holding them tight Thor began to spin his hammer before taking off, back towards the Avengers Tower.

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