Did you get my message? (Pewdiecry)

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I just need some space.

I'll call you when I'm ready.


Cry pov.

I put my phone down and sigh. Why can't he leave me alone for a little while? He's been driving around all night just trying to find me. I don't want to be found. I put my head against the tree I'm sitting against. I had run into this little forest area near our house. I don't even think he knows about it, much less thinks I would use it as an escape. I can still see the house from here. He didn't turn off any lights when he left so it was still illuminated pretty well. I watch as his car pulls up once again and his silhouette enter the house. I can see him moving around as he paces. Why is he so worried about me? It's not like I'm in trouble or anything.

I decide to go a little closer to see if I can look inside better. When I take a few steps, I hear a faint crashing sound from inside. I run to the window and see the counter that had been covered in dishes, paper work, mail, and all our other junk cleared off and all its content scattered on the floor. He has tears running down his face as he lets out a huge sob and sits on the floor. Why is he so upset? All I need is some space. He sat there for a few minutes before getting up slowly and taking out his phone. He writes a short message and sends it before heading off to a different room.

August 16, 7:02

I'm so sorry. I don't
know how I let myself
say the things I did.

I'm an awful partner
and you deserve so
much better.

I hope you can come
to understand how
perfect you really
are and how much
you mean to me.

I love you.

I look back through the window and see him with a suitcase in his hand a tears streaming from his eyes. Where is he going? He isn't leaving is he? He wouldn't do that... Would he? Does he really think I'm upset enough to want him to leave?

I run to the front of the house and see his car rounding the corner. What have I done?!

August 16, 7:23

Felix? Where are you

Please come back!

This isn't funny!


I run inside to see if he had taken all his things. It seemed like most of his cloths and electronics were missing. All except a small pile of cords and glass.

His phone.

He had smashed it into prices after that last text. I ran to my computer and, to my horror, Saw exactly what I was hoping and praying against.

From: Orlando
To: Gothenburg
Departure: 8:00

He wouldn't? If he thought I wanted nothing to do with him he would! If he thought he hurt me he would! If he thought I didn't love him he would!

I grab my keys and sprint to my car. I can still make it if I hurry. I rush to the airport and park far enough away that I don't have to worry about paying. He would have to find a long term spot so that gives me an extra couple minutes. I run as fast as my legs will carry me to the entrance and see a flash of blond enter the building. I run in and there he is. He's in line for luggage check in. I run at him full speed and shout at the top of my lungs. "FELIX!"

He turns towards me along with everyone else in the airport. But unlike them, he knows what's going on. He gets out of line and starts towards me. He doesn't run like I was expecting. When we are close enough to hear each other, he starts to apologize.

"Look Cry, I'm..."

"Oh shut up!" I say and kiss him. I kiss him hard and passionate. He seems shocked but doesn't push away. I pull away with tears rushing down my face. "Don't you do that to me again you idiot!" I scream and pull him to me. I bury my head in his shoulder and hold him as if he was a life raft. He hugs me back, uncertain at first but then stronger.


"No! I don't want you to leave! Ever! Don't ever think that!"

He smiles and pulls me closer to him.

"Did you get my message?" He asks.

"Yeah, do you get mine?" I ask.

"I get it now."

Crap crap and more crap. This will most definitely be rewritten and input on what to fix will be greatly appreciated. Consider this a rough draft.

Oneshots!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora