Chapter 3: Topanga knows all!

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Riley's POV

"Uhh I can't concentrate," I said aloud as I pushed my books aside on my bed.

"Sorry am I being too loud?" A voice came from outside my bay window.

"Oh my gosh Farkle, you gave me such a fright! What are you doing out there?"

"My parents are fighting again and I couldn't consentrate on my homework so I was doing it out here. I hope you don't mind, if you do I can-," Farkle started while climbing in and sitting on my window seat.

I hopped off my bed, sat beside Farkle and hugged him, "Of course I don't mind, you should have came in we could have studied together."

"I didn't want to bother you," Farkle muttered looking at hands while he twiddled his fingers. I could tell Farkle's parent's constant arguments were starting to really get to him! I took both his hands in mine and said, "look at me," and as he looked into my eyes I continued, "you could never bother me, and you know that!"

I put Farkle's head on my shoulder, "You wanna talk about it?"

"Maybe later," he said, I think he just had to think about anything else right now, "So, why couldn't you consentrate, whats on your mind?" He asked.

"What?" I replied, I was so deep in thoughts about Farkle's problems, I forgot about my own.

"Earlier, you said you couldn't consentrate," He reminded me.

"Oh yea that, it's stupid, it's nothing," My problems seemed so small now.

"Riley spill," He insisted.

"Okay, it's just that Maya's coming over tomorrow for the movie night and I just don't know what to think, she came over yesterday, but she hasn't today and when she told me her excuse it was that she wanted to study-" Riley began.

"Oh this must be bad," Farkle cut in.

"I know, you know I love Maya but I think she's trying to make a plan to get her and Josh alone and I don't want her to get hurt if Josh doesn't like her back and honestly if he does go out with her, I don't want my best friend to become my aunty," I finished my rant, "Does that make me a bad person, am I standing I the way of love?"

"No that doesn't make you a bad person it just makes you a consterned friend, look Riley we are both going to be there, we can keep an eye on her and I think we need to have some faith in Maya, plus she probably wouldn't even have the nerve to kiss him on the cheek," Farkle replied.

"Yea and Josh can handle her, right?" Riley added.

"Did I hear my name?" Josh asked, as my bedroom door swung open.

"Topanga said to call you for dinner, " Josh said.

"Okay," I said getting up.

"Mommy said Farkle too," Auggie added, while on Josh's back.

"Wait Auggie, how did Mom know that Farkle's here?" Riley asked.

"Topanga knows all!" Josh replied on Auggie's behalf.

"Yea, Mommy knows all," Auggie added.

Farkle got up and we all went to have dinner.


Trivia Question: What is Josh's full first name?

New chapter soon ♡
- Ella ♥

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