"Yeah and when I was your girlfriend you didn't treat me the right way so guess what payback's a bitch." I said smugly before walking into the study

"Hey can I eat breakfast in here, I really cannot be in the same room as Chris." I said plopping down on the couch

"Yeah sure. I'm taking it things did not end well with you two?" Katherine asked gently

"No he was cheating on me with two other girls. We dated for a little over the year. This is the first time seeing him in almost a year." I explained to her

"That is a shame. He seemed like a sweet boy last night. Do you feel overwhelmed with him being here?" she asked concerned

"A little. Last night I was just in shock because it has been so long since I have seen him and when a person hurts me like that, I don't know. He hasn't even tried to apologize for it. It's like he doesn't care about what he did." I said sadly

"Well I think he does. I think he really does understand that he did mess up with you. Maybe him coming here with his Dad is going to be his way of apologizing." she said

"People like him don't change that easily." I said finishing up my food

"Some people might just surprise ya." she said shrugging


"I am so bored." Avery said dramatically. It was just a little after lunch and we all did not know what to do. The adults were out and about doing stuff for the wedding or hanging out around town.

"We could go shopping?" Chelsea suggested but everybody groaned

"There is that dance studio in town that maybe we could sneak into? Have some fun dancing and stuff." I suggested

"Woahhh Chase wants to sneak in somewhere? Who are you and what have you done with my friend." Nick said checking me to see if I had a temperature

"Unless you guys want to pay 150 dollars each for a lesson today." I said smacking his hand away

"I think Hunter is becoming a bad influence on you. But I am in." Drew said standing up and the rest followed

"Come on Lynn. We will be fine." I told her scared facial expression

"How do you know? What if we get caught?" she asks

"We run and deny everything. Come on live a little." I said pulling her up and dragging her with me. We didn't have a car to drive but we found a bunch of old skateboards in the garage and rode them into town. I haven't skateboarded in a while but I missed the feeling of the wind blowing through your hair. 

"Okay Ms. Genius how do you expect us to sneak into the second story dance studio?" Hunter asked me giving me a look

"You are forgetting you have three cheerleaders with you. Avery and Chelse can you give me a lift up?" I asked and they got into the normal stance and lifted me up. I helped them up and Lynn and all the rest of the guys climbed up. I opened up the window and climbed right in.

"People should really learn to lock their buildings." Jake said looking around the place

"Guys look they have a ton of different songs we can dance too on here." Chelsea said going through the music 

"No way us guys are not dancing." Austin protested

"Why did you come than?" I asked

"They are having a party downstairs with a buffet and I plan on crashing that. Who is with me?" he asked and all the guys agreed. I gave Hunter a look and he just kissed my cheek.

"It's free food babe. Plus I don't dance unless it is just you and me. See you later." he said smiling sheepishly before leaving with the guys

"Lynn do you dance?" Avery asked her

"No I have always been bad at it." she said shyly

"Well come on we will teach you a dance. How about to Hey Mama by David Guetta and Nicki Minaj?" Avery suggested. So we did the full dance routine for her and she looks terrified. She got most of the dance moves but not much.

"Okay you have a great body you just have to learn to move your hips." I said twisting them around for her. After ten minutes she got her hips moving and after a little over two hours she along with us nailed the dance.

"Woooo you go girls!" Drew yelled while the other guys laughed at him but clapped for us. Drew was also videotaping it.

"That video better not go on any creepy perv sites. I know you Drew." I said giving him a death look

"Only pornhub." he said seriously as both Avery and Chelsea began to chase him around the studio. 

Hunter's POV

Having Chase as my girlfriend is the best feeling in the world. I really found the right girl for me. Chris's best friend Will showed up around dinner time so things are probably going to get interesting quite fast. 

"Hey shitface going to bed princess?" Chris called up to me. I was standing at the top of the steps and he was standing at the bottom

"No just going to get a shower. I would watch what you say to me. Me and my boys will gladly take you out in a matter of five seconds." I said to him

"Than why haven't you yet? Are you scared your girlfriend is going to be mad at you?" he asked chuckling

"No but unlike you I actually respect her and her feelings." I said smirking as I watched his expression go to pissed off

"Well have you guys gone all the way yet? I remember her in bed she was soo good. She would be calling my name all night." he said as I was about to go after him but Drew was behind me to stop me.

"He isn't worth it man. He is just trying to get under your skin." Drew said

"Just watch yourself because next time Drew won't be there to protect you." I said 

"OO I am soo scared I am shaking right now." Chris said making him and Will laugh

"I would be if I were you." Drew said before shoving me along to our shared bedroom

This isn't going to end well between Chris and I. I just know it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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