She's So Willing, Little One

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Lindsey ducked as the glass vase hit the wall above him, showering his in tiny shards of glass. He glared at Stevie, who stood on the opposite of the room from him. 

"Stevie, stop it! You're wrecking the place!" He yelled. 

"So fucking what! I couldn't give a fuck! You betrayed me, Lindsey!" 

She hurled another object at him; he dodged out of the way again. In one swift movement, Lindsey ran across the room and grabbed Stevie. He tackled her to the ground, prying the next object from her hands. With his vice like grip on her wrists, her got her to sit up. 

"Why are you doing this? You attacked Carol twice in the space of two weeks, for God's sake! You're insane!" 

"Takes a crazy to know a crazy." Stevie shot back. Lindsey sighed and let go of Stevie's wrists. 

"Thank you." Stevie said, sarcastically. Lindsey growled in frustration. 

He picked an unsuspecting Stevie up and threw her over his shoulder. "Lindsey Buckingham, put me the fuck down!" Stevie hit his back, her delicate little fist making no impact.

Once upstairs, Lindsey threw Stevie onto her bed. "Hey! What's the big idea?" Stevie asked. 

"You're trying my patience now." Lindsey whispered threateningly. 

"Ooo, I'm so scared." Stevie replied, waving her hands around. 

Lindsey smirked. "You should be." 

Like a flash of lightening, Lindsey pinned Stevie down on the bed. He could feel her fighting against him and he couldn't help but smile. 

"Why are you doing this, Lindsey?" Stevie asked, her voice cracking, showing just how scared she really was. Lindsey had always been unpredictable; she never knew what was going to happen next when it came to him. 

"Because you're doing it back." Lindsey replied. 

"Why are we fighting, Linds?" 

"Because you hate my girlfriend and can't accept that I might just be happy without you." 

Stevie stared up at him. "I can't accept her."

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