Loving On A Rainy Day

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The heavens opened over California; large droplets of rain bouncing off the tops of cars and walls alike. Lindsey and Stevie ran through the downpour; he grabbed her hand to stop her from slipping in her heels. She held onto his arm for dear life, his jacket around her shoulders.  Stevie worried that Lindsey's kindness would be the death of him one day; he was always offering her his jacket whenever she was cold. Even if it was a slight shiver, Lindsey would notice and his jacket out be around her shoulders in a matter of seconds. Stevie looked at his drenched shirt and felt sure he would catch a cold this time.

They eventually reached Lindsey's house, having run down the street from the bus stop to escape from the rain. He unlocked the door and they rushed inside. Breathing heavy from their run, they looked at other. "If you look that bad, I must look ten times worse." Stevie said, laughing at Lindsey's wet curls. "What do you mean? You look beautiful." Lindsey replied, blushing when he realised what he'd said. Stevie smiled, handing him his jacket back. "Thank you, Linds." She replied. Lindsey cleared his throat, nodding and taking his jacket back. "Why don't we go upstairs and get dried off. You can go into the bathroom." He led her up the stairs and to the bathroom, leaving her to dry off. "I'll leave you something to wear while your clothes dry off." He called, going into his room. "Okay. Thank you!" Stevie yelled back. She gasped at her reflection in the mirror; her makeup had run down her cheeks and her long hair was plastered to the sides of her head. She heard a muffled thud outside the door. "I've left an old shirt of mine out here for you." Lindsey said through the door. "Okay. Thank you again, Lindsey." Stevie replied, slashing water onto her face in an attempt to get the makeup off her cheeks.

About 20 minutes later, Lindsey sat on his bed, guitar in hand. He was nervous. But he couldn't understand why. It was only Stevie. She was his friend; his friend who's a girl; a very girl in fact. Oh. That's why he was nervous. He seemed to have found himself alone in his parent's home with a very pretty girl, wearing not a lot except his t-shirt. As if she knew what he was thinking, Stevie knocked softly on the door. "Are you decent, Linds?" Stevie asked through the door. "Of course." Lindsey replied. Stevie appeared, her wet clothes folded over her arm neatly. "Where can I put these?" She asked, her brown eyes seemingly larger than usual as she looked at Lindsey. He, like her, wasn't really wearing all that much. Once he had put his wet clothes in the launder hamper, he had simply pulled on a pair of old bell-bottoms. "Oh, I'll go put them on the airer so they can dry off."  Lindsey replied, taking the clothes from her. She smiled up at him. "Thank you." She said. "You seem to be saying that a lot today, don't you?" Lindsey asked, chuckling. "You've been good to me today. You deserve to be thanked." Stevie replied. She moved out of the way for him to pass. Reluctantly, he went downstairs and laid the clothes out to dry, admiring how petite Stevie's clothing was. He'd always thought it was funny that she looked so sweet and feeble on the outside, but she was as tough as any man on the inside.

Stevie was admiring the various posters, lyric sheets and drawings that were pinned to Lindsey's walls when he returned. Smiling over her shoulder at him, Stevie went back to admiring a drawing that had fallen onto Lindsey's desk. "It's really good, Linds. Who is it?" She asked, picking it up for a closer look. Lindsey swallowed hard. The drawing was of the face of a young woman. Her features were almost pixie-like, with long dark blonde hair framing her face. She had big, brown eyes and Lindsey was surprised that Stevie even had to ask who it was. "It's you, actually." He replied eventually. Stevie seemed to stop dead, putting the drawing back down. She didn't turn to look at him, for fear of what she'd do or say. Lindsey closed the gap between them, standing right behind her. "Why did you draw me?" Stevie asked quietly, the sensation of Lindsey's hot breath on her neck growing more and more noticeable by the second. "Because... I only draw things I find interesting. Things I... love." He replied. Stevie's eyes widened and she finally turned to look at him. "Does that mean you...?" She trailed off, knowing she didn't really need to ask him. Lindsey nodded, smiling slightly. Stevie reached up, her fingertips trailing across Lindsey's cheekbones and the stubble on his cheeks.  This wasn't a new thing for her to do; she often found herself stroking his cheeks in a bid to comfort him when he was upset. She was the only one he could be upset around. The rest of the guys in the band would tell him to stop crying, to stop being a baby, to be a man. Stevie would tell him to let it out, to tell her what was wrong. He'd told her before that the feel of her fingertips on his cheekbones was comforting. She jokingly said she couldn't say the same for him, with his rough fingertips from all the guitar playing he did. Secretly, she loved the feel of his calloused fingertips on her skin when he held her hand. And now there they were, the same calloused fingertips, trailing across her jaw line and down her neck. He made her shiver with delight... and lust. Before anything could Stevie could tell him she wanted him, Lindsey pressed his lips to hers, engulfing her in a passionate embrace. Lindsey's baggy t-shirt found it's way off of Stevie's skinny body, and he covered her with his own frame.

The next morning, Stevie lay on Lindsey's chest, smiling at the steady rhythm of his breathing. 'Everything he does is musical. Even his breathing.' Stevie thought, highly amused. "What does this mean for us now, Steph?" Lindsey asked abruptly, running his fingers up and down Stevie's spine. "Friends don't fuck." Stevie replied bluntly. "That's true. How eloquently put, Miss Nicks." Stevie giggled. She rolled off Lindsey's stomach and lay down next to him. There wasn't much room in Lindsey's single bed but, obviously, they didn't mind being so close to one another. "What does this mean, Stevie?" Lindsey asked again. "Friends don't fuck." Stevie repeated. "Be my girlfriend then?" Lindsey asked, getting straight to the point. Stevie grinned. "I thought you'd never ask."

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