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Six months on ~

Nellie, Jay, Riley and Tilly had been living in Spain for six months now. Tilly had had her first birthday not long after they'd left Walford. Johnny had been out to visit twice already and Lee had just left from coming over for the first time, with Whitney and Carlson. Her parents had been so busy they hadn't been out yet. Jay's job was going great, he was earning over seven thousand pound a month, Riley and Tilly-Rose were loving every minute of it, as was Nellie.

That day, after Nellie had just got home from dropping Lee, Whitney and Carlson to the airport, it was five o'clock. She put Tilly down for a nap, and was about to give Riley another swimming lesson in the pool.

"Maggs, can you keep an eye on Tilly is she wakes up?" Nellie asked her kid of Auntie.

"Of course I can, it's lovely to see Jay with a little family of his own, its something his Dad never had, Jase would be proud of the man he has become." Maggie told her, Nellie smiled and went to get changed. She put on her white bikini, and put Riley into his blue swimming shorts, slavered sun cream on him and went out to the pool. Riley loved the water, he was a little water baby. And for a two and half year old, his swimming was getting pretty good. Jay came home about half an hour later and got in the pool with them. Riley jumped in his arms and the three of them started splashing about.

"I checked in on Till, she's fast asleep still." Jay told Nellie, leaving Riley to splash on his own for a bit as they were in the shallow end of the pool.

"She'll be spark out for a while now, had a busy day with Uncle Lee." Nellie told him, planting a kiss on his lips. "How was work?"

"Good, got to get my hands dirty today and actually work on a car." Jay laughed. "How's our two muckers been?"

"Did you really just call them muckers like my Dad does? You've skyped my Dad too often!" Nellie laughed at him. "But they've been good, Riley got a tad bit emotional at leaving Uncle Lee, but we bought ice cream and he soon cheered up." Nellie told him. Jay got up to go and get something off of the garden table and then came back, hiding whatever it was.

"Are you glad we moved here? Are you happy?" Jay asked her.

"Where's this coming from? It was the best decision we ever made. I'm happier than I've ever been, with you, and our two 'muckers'." Nellie joked.

"Seven and a half months together, and I love you more and more everyday." Jay told her.

"The feelings mutual." Nellie smiled, she knew where this was going.

"Which is why," Jay said, getting down on one knee, "I want to marry you. I want to make you my wife someday, we don't have to get married for a few years or it could be tomorrow, it doesn't matter, all I know is that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Me, you and Riley and Tilly-Rose. And anyone else who might come along in the future. Nellie Carter, will you marry me?" Jay asked her, opening the box to reveal a silver ring.

"Yes." She whispered, "yes, I want to marry you!" She took the ring and put it on her finger, before kissing him. "Were gunna get married." Nellie smiled, laughing and kissing Jay all at the same time.

"Were getting married." Jay said back, before they both heard Tilly start crying. Jay got up to go and see to her, and Nellie picked Rile up and they went to get dry. Nellie went to Skype her mum, with Riley sat on her lap, before they were even dressed. Linda answered within a minute.

"Hi, darling!" Linda grinned over the laptop.

"I've got some news!" Nellie squealed, trying to hold in her excitement and happiness before she burst. She held her hand up to the camera, to dazzle her ring in front of her mum. Linda gasped.

"Mick! MICK! Nellie and Jay are engaged!!!" She shouted, Mick ran over with Ollie to see the ring. Johnny and Nancy crowded round to see it as well. "Congratulations, its beautiful!!" Linda cried.

"Oh finally! The little mucker skyped me over a month ago to ask my permission." Mick laughed. "Can you imagine how hard it is to keep that secret form your mother?" Linda slapped his stomach, laughing.

"Granddad, secrets are naughty." Riley giggled at his Granddad, making everyone else laugh with him.

"Your right, Riley. But this one was a surprise. So it was a good one." Mick told his grandson. Jay came over with Tilly-Rose, who none of them except Lee had seen in over four months because she was always asleep when they skyped."

"Oh my! She's getting big, Nell!" Linda gasped, Tilly had changed so much from when they had last seen her. She had started to develop dark brown curls, just like Nellies, whereas Riley's light brown hair had gone blonder since moving to Spain, where the sun naturally dyed it because of it's light colour. Tilly was looking more and more like Nellie everyday.

"Yeah, she's also getting heavier." Jay laughed, a half asleep Tilly still snuggled with her thin blanket in his arms. "You'll have to come out soon, Linda, and Mick and Ollie, Nellie misses you and so do Riles and Till." Jay told them.

"Yeah, we will soon, oh, Lee's just text, they're almost back at the airport, were going to get them, Congratulations, both of you. I'll Skype you later Nellie, mwah, love you all, sending you big kisses Riley." Linda kissed her hand and waved at them, before pressing the end call button.

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