3. Back for you.

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"Nell! Nance! Get down here now, lee's on skype." Mick shouted up to his two daughters, who were still fast asleep snuggled in their beds. Nellie yawned and stumbled out of her bed, grabbing Riley out of his cot on the way through. Nancy followed behind.
"Wow, you two look rough." Lee laughed at his young sisters.
"Just woke up." Nellie yawned again, whilst peeling a banana for Riley. "How's the army stuff going? When you coming home? Soon?"
"Two weeks, Nell, then you won't be able to get rid of me, ever again." Lee smirked, reassuring his little sister. "Plus mum and dad are gonna need help when the babys born, so I'll be needed then. How's Riles?"
"He's OK, had a bit of a cold but he's getting over it now, looking forward to seeing his uncle Lee, arent you Ri?" Riley hid his head, playing peekaboo with Lee. "I'd better go, I need to go see Cindy, she's got all worked up over something about Beth."
"Alright, laters squirt." Lee replied. Nellie left to go and get herself showered and dressed, then got Riley ready to go meet with Cindy.

They met her at the park, she had been wanting to get Beth adopted, she didn't think she was up to being a mum. Nellie wheeled Riley's pushchair and went and sat down at the bench with Cindy.
"I don't know what to do now Nell, Ian and Jane want to adopt Beth, then what, I'll be her sister? Not her mum? I love her, I can't see her be brung up by the people I see as my parents." Cindy was in tears.
"What makes you want to get Beth adopted? If you love her, can't you work through it?" Nellie questioned her.
"I'm a rubbish mum, and Beth doesnt love me, she crys every time I hold her, I can't do it, I don't know what made me think that I could."
"Having a baby isn't something that's easy, in Riley's year he's been here, he's given me and Joe hell, but that's because were his parents, with everyone else he's fine, no one ever said being a mum is easy, but of course Beth loves you, your her mum, no one can ever take that place. Think about her first smile, when she first sat up by herself, her first tooth, all achievements in her life, everything that makes her her, that makes you her mum, she hasn't crawled or walked or talked yet, if you give that up, that makes someone else her mum. But if you really want her adopted, and you feel so strongly then that's up to you, I'm just giving me my opinion as a mum, my little boy means the world to me."
"I need to think about this more, I don't know what to do, I cant cope but I love her so much, I just wish someone else could make the desicion for me." Cindy cried. "I'm gonna go see her..." Cindy rushed off.

Nellie shrugged her shoulders and was getting up to go back to the pub when a hand touched her on the shoulder. She turned around quickly.
"Joe..." Nellie started to say.
"Its just me Nell, my dads not here, can we talk, I've missed this little man, please, if there's nothing for us, then at least for Riley, I'm his dad." Joe pleaded with Nellie.
"For Riley's sake, he's what matters in all this." Nellie sat back down, relief rushed through Joe's face, he went to Riley's pushchair and held his son for the first time in eight weeks. Nellie couldnt help herself but smile at the way Riley held his hands around his dads neck, as if he didn't want to let go, like he couldn't. Joe sat down with Riley opposite Nellie.
"How's he been?" Joe smiled at his son.
"Bit grizzly, he's got more teeth coming through and hes had a cold, but other than that he's been good."
"Listen, I'm so sorry about his head I didn't think it'd actually hit Riles head, I thought it'd make him be quiet and go to sleep, I didnt mean to hurt him, he's my baby boy, I wouldnt, I couldnt do that. I love him."
"I know you love him, I'm not stupid, but he's a baby, you can't just throw things when he crys, it scared him, I had to take him away from you in order from him to be safe, I shouldn't be to do that your his daddy."
"I'll never hurt him again. Or you. When mum died, I took it out on you, Nell, I shouldn't have done that, you and ri, your my world. I love you both and. I cant live without you, I've been going out of my mind without you two, I need you in my life."
"Joe, I'm not coming back to the site."
"No, I don't expect you to, but, please, dont leave me, let me see Riley."
"I won't leave you, Joe, of course you can see Riley, he deserves to be able to see how dad, but im not having him go anywhere near your dad, and you only see him when you see me. Riley comes first."
"Are we still together? I love  you Nell." Nellie looked into his eyes, the irresistable eyes she had never been able to resist. She sighed.
"Yeah. Me, you and Riley, were a family." Nellie reassured him.
"Thank you, thank you, I won't let you down again I promise you, I love you so much, and Riley, the two of you are my world, I dont know what I would've done if i had lost you."
"Calm down, its alright, your not gonna lose us." She smiled. Everyone deserves a second chance...right? "Anyway, we had best be off, Dad will be expecting us back, come us Riles." Nellie took Riley from Joe and put him back in his pushchair.
"Can I see you again?" Joe asked.
"I'll text you." Nellie simply replied before heading back to the queen Vic with Riley.

Arriving outside the pub, she saw an old, broken motor scooter. People weren't allowed to par outside the pub, it was double lined. She frowned and struggled to get Riley's pushchair through the doors. A boy around her age came up and opened the door for her.
"Thanks." She smiled thankfully.
"No problem. I'm Liam by the way."
"Nellie. This is my son, Riley." She told him.
"Nice to meet you, he's cute."
"You too." She smiled before they parted ways and she went to find Mick. "Dad! Someone's parked their scooter outside the door!" She shouted to Mick. No answer. She got Riley out and walked upstairs. She heard voices coming from the living room, so went inside. "Johnny!!" Nellie grinned, seeing her brother stood by the window. She rushed towards him and he took her in his warm embrace. They'd missed each other. But something was wrong, Nellie could tell. Everyone was acting weird around him. Ah, of course, no one had told him about Linda's rape ordeal with Dean yet. She guessed Mick and Linda would tell him soon. "Missed you." Nellie smiled up at her brother.
"I've missed you more, that's why I'm back. Back for you, Nell." Johnny told his little sister. "This is my boyfriend, Gian Luca." Johnny introduced him to Nellie.
"Call me Luca," Luca smiled, holding out his hand for Nellie to shake, "nice to meet you."
"Welcome to the family." She shook his hand.
"Right, let me meet my nephew then." Johnny asked Nellie, he had always loved kids, his parents had just never had any after Nellie, until now, obviously. Nellie handed Riley over yo his uncle Johnny.
"How long you staying for?" Nellie asked.
"I'm not leaving, I'm back for good." Johnny informed all the family, whilst playing with Riley. "Where's Lee?"
"He's gone on tour, he's back in two weeks though." Linda told johnny. "Then I'll have all my little sausages together, and a new little sausage soon." Linda grinned from ear to ear. It was almost a dream come true for her, except of course the new baby might be Dean's child.
"So where is everyone then? Grandad? Aune shirl and Dean?" Johnny asked, not knowing the truth he had every right to ask.
"Some stuffs happen end while you've been away, son." Mick started to tell Johnny. Johnny looked at him confused. "Right, L, kids, in the kitchen, every one else stay in here," Mick ordered them. Johnny gave Riley to Whitney to look after and followed behind his parents and siblings.
"Someone gonna tell me what's going on?" Johnny questioned, evidently he was confused.
"First things first, your grandad, he's in hospital, he's gonna die soon, so you'd better go visit him before he clocks it." Mick informed him.
"I'll go later with you." Nellie slipped her hand in Johnny's, she still hasn't been to see their grandad either.
"Now, don't get upset, its been dealt with, the police are sorting it. Something happened between your mum and Dean." Mick choked on his words.
"He raped me." Linda looked at the ground, tears in her eyes.
"You should've told me, I'd have come home straight away!" Johnny held his mum in a tight hug.

Little Sister ~ Eastenders! {Finished}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu