4. Seeing you.

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"You alright Nell?" Johnny asked as he was walking past the room Nellie shared with her sister, Nancy, and son, Riley. She was staring blankly at the wall. She had to figure out what to do about Joe. What was best for Riley? She wanted Riley to have a good father figure, one he could look up to in times of need, but was Joe that person? Sure he loved Riley, but she couldn't guarantee he'd be there when Riley needed him most. "Nellie?" Johnny clapped in her face and she came out of her daze.

"What?" Nellie asked her older brother.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, are you?" Johnny nodded and came and sat down next to her. "Mum and Dad had an argument earlier. Dad went out an. Mum went after him. I don't know where any of them are. Lee's out with Whit and Nance and Tina."

"Yeah, I heard about the argument. But you know what mum and dad are like, they'll be fine, don't you worry." Johnny hugged his little sister. "Why don't you go see Cindy or something? I'll look after Ri for you." Johnny suggested to his sister.

"Ok, thanks Johnny." She smiled back at him. Johnny left with Riley and went to find Luca.

Nellie - meet me @ the park, 10 mins.

Joe - ok

Nellie said goodbye to Riley and Johnny and then made her way to the park. It was ten at night, she was putting Joe to the test. He could take her back with him right there and then, if he didn't mean what he had said. But if he let her be, she would tell him the secret. She walked towards a figure sat at the same bench as the day before, Joe. She went and sat down opposite him, he took her hands in his.

"I told my dad I was going out with some mates. He won't know where I am. Hows Riley?" Joe asked.

"That's good, I know I can trust you now. If you tell your dad, I promise you that's the end. No Riley, no me. And Riley is doing lots better. He's with my brother Johnny and his boyfriend Luca at the moment."

"Johnny's back then?"

"Yeah, he surprised us all. Its good to have him back. And Luca's lovely. So how've you been doing? Been up to much?"

"Not really. Dad's had me working to get the fair up and running again, I need to tell you. Were meant to be off soon. Travelling around again, and we won't be staying in one place for long. I want you to come with Nell; you, me and Riley."

"No. Joe, I told you yesterday, me and Riley are staying here now. With my mum and Dad. Riley's happy, and I'm happy. Were good here." She took her hands away from his. "One day the three of us will be together again, in a house,no the square. But were too young, and with a child to support. Travelling with a fair isn't right for a child, Riley needs stability, and he's got that here."

"I travelled all my life?"

"And look what that did to you, to us."

"I'll stay then. I'll find some where to go, but I'm staying here. I belong wherever you and Riley are." Nellie smiled and nodded. Such simple words, proved his commitment to her and Riley. "I'll go to school, pass exams and I'll get a job, ill make this work Nell. My sister lives on the square, I can stay with her, but I'm not giving up. I'm going to fight for this. For us. For Riley." He told her.

"I've got something I need to tell you." Nellie said, bracing herself to open up about her secret to Joe.

"You can tell me anything."

"I'm pregnant. Again. Five months. I think." She looked down in humiliation.

"Really? Have you been to the doctors, or hospital?" Joe asked.

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