14. Fight.

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Lee and Whitney brought baby Carlson home a week later, after he and Whitney had undergone procedure checks to make sure everything was ok, as Carlson had had some breathing problems which meant they had to wait a week before they could finally take  Carlson home. Everyone was at the vic, a party ready for when they got home, to celebrate Carlson's birth. It was family and a few friends only, they didn't want to overwhelm Carlson. Mick, Linda and Ollie, Nancy and Tamwar, Johnny, Jay, Nellie, Riley and Tilly-Rose, as well as Tina and Sonia, Grandma Elaine, and Mick had even invited Shirley along, much to everyone's surprise, Ian, Jane, Cindy and Bobby, Vincent, Kim and Pearl, and the rest of the Mitchell family. The party was a surprise, so when there was a banging on the main door, and someone shouting open up, everyone assumed it was Lee. Nancy opened the door and two people barged in past Nancy.

"We've come for what's ours." They snarled. Nellie picked up Riley in protection, and stood in front of Tilly's pram, where she was quietly sleeping.

"There." Joe pointed over to Nellie and the children, telling his Dad where they were.

"Come on then Riley, come to Granddad." Tim, Joe's Dad, laughed at the innocent two year old, scratching the stubble on his chin, pulling his cap down low and walking over to where Nellie was stood, at the other end of the pub. Nellie held on her son tightly, a worried and scared look on her face.

"Dada?" Riley looked at Jay.

"It's ok, Riley, they're not gunna hurt you." Jay stroked Riley's hair and reassured him he would keep him safe. Ten month old Tilly was starting to wake up from all the shouting and noise, so Jay picked her up and kissed her forehead.

"Huh? He's not their DAD. My SON is their Dad. You know, little Nellie, ah the SON that YOU gave HIV!" Tim screamed at Nellie, walking closer and closer to her, until he was almost up in her face. She handed Riley back to Phil, who was right behind her, it was safer for him to be as far away from Tim and Joe as possible. Phil took him and whispering to him, making sure he was ok.

"I didn't give him HIV. He cheated on me with someone else. That's who gave him HIV. Not me, I haven't slept with him in a year and a half. And he's a waste of space, there's no way he's going anywhere near my kids." Nellie argued back.

"Oh yeah? Well they're his kids too." Tim snarled again, and tried to take Tilly-Rose out of Jay's arms.

"Sorry mate, what do you think your doing? Leave my daughter alone." Jay laughed in Tim's face, mocking him. Tilly buried her head into Jay's shoulder as Nellie took her and gave her to her mum behind the bar.

"Right, I think that's enough." Mick came out from behind the bar and stood next to Nellie. "My grandson's coming home today, so you need to leave. Not to mention how much your upsetting my other two grandchildren." 

"I'll leave as soon as you give me my kids." Joe stood up to Mick.

"You know, Joe, we really started to take you in. But now, your just a rat, and you need to leave, before I call the police." Mick threatened. Tim just laughed at him, before whacking him around the face, Mick stumbled over and hit his head on a table. He managed to sit up again, but he had concussion most likely so didn't stand up. Linda rushed over to him, giving Tilly to Nancy, who had Ollie as well.

"OI! Don't you hit my Dad!" Lee had just walked in and straightaway punched Tim on the forehead. He almost fell over from walking backwards, but Whitney caught him, Lee still had Carlson's car seat in his hand, with Carlson in it.

"Lee! Be careful with him!" Whitney told her fiancé off, and took Carlson out and rocked him gently back to sleep.

"Right. No one ruins my boys celebration." Lee said. He pulled Joe by the collar and shoved him out the door. He fell to the ground. "And NO ONE, scares my little sister, you leave her alone, or you'll have me to deal with." Lee faced Tim, before chucking him out too.

Little Sister ~ Eastenders! {Finished}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora