Don't go

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Wards pov

"Skye no, no don't go, please don't close your eyes" I shout at her but I get no response, she just lies there still, she looks so Broken so hurt and I hate to see her like this I hate strucker for doing this to her, I'm glad I killed him, I thought to myself but my thoughts were interrupted bye the sounds of footsteps getting closer I aim my gun at whoever it is but to my relief it was the shield medic
"What happened to her?" He shouted
"Tortured, she's got 3 Brocken ribs, minor laceration to her leg, multiple cuts to her face one of which needs stitches and uhh gun shot wound to her lower abdomen" I say with a single tear down my face
"Is there a pulse?" He asked with a worried look in his eye because he knew just from one look she wasn't In a good condition
"Yes but it's weak" I say thankfully, Skye's strong I know she'll get through this or at least I hope she will
"Ok excuse me I need to stop this bleeding if she wants a chance" he said with confidence, I look at Skye then back at the medic
"Ok" I say hopelessly whilst I move out the way and watch from a distance.
A few minutes later 2 more medics come help, all I could do was watch them bandage her up and I couldn't do a thing to help them, they tried bandaging the gun shot wound but it just kept bleeding, and with that they thought it was time to move her to the shield bus where Simmons could help fix her up and hopefully save her
"Ward we need your help can you gently pick her up we haven't got time to wait for a stretcher!" I look at him then at unresponsive Skye
"Ok" I shout determined, I run to Skye and gently place my hands underneath her neck and legs and pick her up bridal style, the first medic that was here I think his name is James stands next to me holding a saline drip attached to Skye's arm
"You ready" James asks, I simply nod showing I'm ready and we both run, him holding the saline and me holding Skye, I make sure not to cause to much commotion so I don't damage any more of Skye's wounds whilst running, I realize Skye is very light which means she probably hasn't eaten since I last saw her, I frown at the thought but continue to run.
Finally without any incidents we reach the bus were we are greeted bye Simmons in her doctor uniform waiting for us
"Ward,James come with me take her to the medical bay" Simmons shouts whilst leading the way, last time I was down in the medical bay was when Skye was shot twice bye Ian Quinn but that was a long time ago
"Place her here gently" she says whilst reaching in her draw and getting out her medical equipment
"Now can you leave please so we can do our jobs" she says sternly looking at me, i know she needs the room and all but I don't want to leave Skye's side not at a time like this
"Bu" I start before I get interrupted
"Now please ward" I look at her and nod realizing she's right, I head out the door and glance one more time to see doctors rushing around Skye, I force myself to look away and I head off to get some coffee because I know Im going to be up all night waiting.

A/N huh poor ward anyway sooty it took long to update but yeah hope your enjoying this we are coming to an end soon :( but anyway as always can you please vote,comment and give feedback please thanks
-shield135 x

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