I can't lose her again

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'Punch' I fall back from the impact of the mans fist I fall on the floor grabbing my nose, I look up to see 3 big tall massive men just staring at me
"I hear you've been looking for strucker" one of them says with a slight chuckle in between his voice, I try to get up to beat the crap out these guys for barging in and fricken punching me but I get kicked down and thrown into a table, as I was lying in the pile of Brocken wood from the table unable to get up I look over to skye to see 2 of the men holding her arms behind her back and the third one talking to her grabbing her chin and holding it up, I try to get up but can't but then I realise what's about to happen and grab part of the Brocken table and hold it above my head, as they talk to her she spits in there face and says something but I was unable to hear it, then, suddenly the room stars shaking, part of the ceiling started collapse unfortunately for the men they didn't know this hotel was empty so skye could trash it all she wants with no casualties, the whole building was pulling apart and the ceiling was falling on top of us and just as the men got there guns out the ceiling fell on top of them squishing them and killing all of them instantly, I look over to skye to see tears down her face but the shaking hasn't stopped
"Skye" I shout
"You can stop there dead STOP" everything I said seemed to go straight back out of her ears she couldn't hear any of it
"Skye" I shout at the top of my lungs like I've never shouted before but this time she heard me and the shaking stop, skye looks at me tears streaming down her face
"Ward, ward are you ok let me help you up" she says whilst wrapping her arm around my waist and placing me on the newly Brocken and dusty bed
"Yeah fine just a couple of scratches" I say with a slight groan as I felt my nose throbbing
"Let me patch you up" she says with a slight smile of relief that there was no real damage done except for the whole building of course.

5 minutes later

"There we go done, good as new" she says whilst dabbing my nose for the last time
"Thanks" I reply with a smile on my face, she looks at me and nods and picks up our bags
"The cops and fire department will be here soon we need to go" she says with a serious look in her eyes, I nod and we both head out of our room leaving a tip of 10 dollars for the good service
"Where are we heading?" I asked
"There's a small b&b not far from here we can set up operations and get ready there then we head to find strucker" I look at her and nod and we make our way there.
15 minutes later we arrive at the b&b and check in and head to our room.
We walk in the door to find a massive king sized bed, 2 bathrooms, indoor hot tub and a refrigerator full of beer and drinks "whoo" I say whilst holding the 'o' she looks at me and gives me a brief smile before chucking her bags on the bed and from then on I can tell something is bothering her. I walk to the bed and place my bag on there to see skye outside on the balcony just standing there thinking to herself, what ever is bothering she is obviously thinking about it now
"Skye are you ok?" I asked worried
"Yeah, fine why do you ask?" She says confused
"Ever since those men broke into our room and you had to use your powers you've been acting different"
"I'm fine don't worry about it" but as soon as she said that I did the opposite and stared to worry even more
"Skye I know your lying just tell me you can trust me" she looks at me debating if she should tell me or not
"Huh" she says "when you were lying in the pile of wood and they had me the, uh, guy said something, I just can't get it out of my head" she says with a single tear drop down her face
"What did he say" I asked with a worried look on my face whilst moving my hand up and wiping the tear away
"He'd kill me and everyone I love unless I give myself In, if I did that he would spare everyone" she replies with a sad look on her face, I mean she can't really be debating that, no way am I losing her again, never again.
"You can't really even be thinking this I mean your not giving your self in right I mean you can't do that to me not again please" I said with a serious face i didn't want to sound bossy over her but it shouldn't even be a suggestion it's of the table
"Ward ple" she says before i interrupt her
"No skye promise me you won't do that, skye promise me"she looks at me and dives straight into my arms and rests her head on my shoulders I think I finally got some off the old skye back, then her eyes start to water again
"I promise I won't" she says with the tears dropping down her face I slowly wipe them again and give her a reassuring look.
After our little hug and conversation we both decided we were owed a good nights sleep and some rest so after we both had showers and got into our night clothes we both climbed into the bed, skye was on the left and I was on the right and there was just a pile of pillows separating us, and from then on I felt safe. Morning came and I slowly opened my eyes to empty bed next to me I look to the door and see it just close I didn't see who it was but I had a idea, I tired to get up but saw my hands were bound to the bed with handcuffs and then it hit me (not literally) that was skye who left she was gone, she left me, I thought she made me a promise
"I need to get out of here because I have a feeling skye is about to do something real stupid, I can't lose her again" I say under my breath as break my thumb and break out of the cuffs
I quickly put my thumb back in place I let out a whimper but I'm glad no one could here it, after that I slip on some pants and shirt and run outside pushing bystanders out the way, I look in every direction and every inch I can but I can't find her, I've lost her
"Not again" I say under my breath with a sad look on my face "not again"

A/n I really liked writing this chapter I have a lot of ideas for the next one that I'm currently working on and I would just like to apologise for not updating in a while I have just been really busy lately and as always can you please vote,comment and give me feedback on what you thought of this chapter thanks
-shield135 x

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