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Skye's pov     

"Strucker not you" I say with anger in my eyes, but he doesn't seem to hear me, he just completely ignores me and carries on talking to his hydra thugs, I couldn't make out the whole sentence that he said but all I could her was
"Ok take her to the safe house we'll finish it there oh and take" he says before glancing at me then turning back to his man
"дело No 17" he is so stupid he thinks I don't know Russian ha well he is mistaken but what does file number 17 mean and most importantly what's in file no 17, but my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the locks around my wrists unlocking and the sound of a gun cocking
"Get up and hold your hands out and no funny business" he says with the gun pointing at my head, I do what he says because the only reason there moving me in my condition is there scared, ward must be here which means a whole lot of shield agents as well, so I'll make my escape at the right time but not yet not with a gun pointed to my head 
"Get up!" He shouts once more, I put my hands on the floor and slowly lift myself up wincing at the pain in my ribs and my whole body, every inch I move It hurts 'great' I think to myself
"Hands out" the Russian hydra thug says in his thick accent but all I could focus on the the smell from his breathe it reeked of vodka and then it got me thinking, I saw him wobble in here and the smell of vodka, I bet he's drunk I'll use that to my advantage later, but in the meantime I'll play along, I hold my hands out and put a scared face on as he tightens the cuffs around my wrists, which causes me to wince as he tightened them on to an old wound from the other restraints.
As we move on through the hallways we gain more hydra guards but the sounds of bullets flying about gets louder were getting closer to ward I think to myself and I can't help but have a smile plastered on my face, but as soon as I realise I've got a smile on my face I quickly go back to my emotionless state but not in enough time, strucker saw my smile
"I wouldn't be smiling if I were you all your shield friends are going to die at the hands of hydra" he says but all that does is make me laugh
"What is so funny I wouldn't be laughing right now, all your friends are going to die, you are going to die after we're finished with you, and everybody that works for shield will be destroyed, we've won you have lost and there's nothing you can do about it" he says whilst laughing, but again I just start to laugh and that really gets his attention
"You think you've won you couldn't be more wrong, the worst thing you can do right now is underestimate shield there coming for you and I promise they will find you and they'll kill you and bye 'they'll' I mean ward, your going to wish you never laid a hair on my head" I snap back with a smile I knew it would gain me a punch but that's nothing compared to what he's about to go through, he may not have seen it but I did, ward walked straight past us, he was in a hydra uniform he joined the back of my escorts about 10 minutes ago and they didn't even know, he is behind us right now seeing and hearing everything I see and hear 
"Oh is that right i'm the dead man lets see about that" he says whilst his fist flys into my face I fall to the ground hard as I couldn't put my hands down to break the fall because they were shackled together so I just had to let myself fall and it hurt, I slammed into the floor screaming at my ribs, I had all the wind knocked out of me I knew I was going to pass out soon it was only a matter of time.
As soon as I stopped screaming they picked my up and started dragging me down the halls but that gave me a clear view of behind and all I could see was ward slowly and quietly taking out the guards at the back one by one until it was only him, me, strucker and the two guys carrying me I slightly nodded at him but stop because of the pain it caused but he got the point I was ready for what he was about to do.
In a matter of seconds I was dropped to the floor as I heard three gun shots and all I could see was strucker and his 2 men on the floor cover in the pool of blood surrounding them
"Skye-skye oh my god are you alright you don't look to good" ward says whilst helping me to my feet and breaking the cuffs around my wrists whilst glancing at the wounds left behind covering my wrist
"Oh wow ward huh thanks and yeah I'm fine" I said whilst putting a smile on my face but he looked straight through it
"No your not we're getting out of here we've got a quin jet outside waiting c'mon" he says whilst putting his hand round my waist and placing my hand round his shoulder.
As we start walking off or should I say limping off something just didn't feel right I turn around to face strucker to see him holding a gun in one hand and it was pointed straight at ward, I didn't have time for both of us to move out the way so I only had one opinion
"Move out the wa ahhh!" I shout whilst pushing ward to the ground, I look down at my stomach to feel a burning pain in my chest as my hot red blood flows out of me, my vision starts to get blurry all I could see was ward shoot strucker again and come running to me
"Skye skye no baby stay with me don't go please I need you" I smile at the fact he called me baby but my smile fades when I realise why he did
"It's ok ward" I say whilst coughing out blood 
"No no no" he says "your not dying on me skye no I won't let you" and those were the last words I herd before it all went dark I was no where, I was surrounded bye the darkness but it was all worth it because strukers dead and wards safe, the man I love is safe and that's all I could ask for

A/N huh!!! It's not the end don't worry still got chapters to go but we are coming to the end so please could you give me feedback on how you think this chapter went thanks x

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