"Damien, your scaring her," I said calmly stroking my daughters hair.

"Dammit Aria, I don't give a shit!" He yelled walking closer to me.

I felt tears roll down my face and Scarletts head shoot up.

"Your making my momma cry!" Scarlett said angrily.

He reached for Scarlett, I could smell vodka in his breath.

I pulled my body in front of her and blocked the punch he threw.

"What the hell is wrong with you! Get you hands off my child and don't ever touch her again! If you even think about doing it again I will kill you with my bare hands!! Do you hear me? Hurt me all you want but don't ever hurt Scarlett again," I screamed in his face as tears streamed down my face and blood oozed out of my nose from Damien punching me.

He grabbed my by the hair and kicked my stomach causing me to lose breath for a second.

I looked over at Scarlett, she gasped and sobbed even harder.

"Come with me," he growled pulling me up by my shirt.

"Momma!" She yelled holding her arms out.

"It's okay baby," I whispered as Damien pushed me through the entrance.

As soon as we got to his room he stripped all my clothes off before raping me multiple times.


After hours of torture, Damien finally threw me back into the room.

I looked up to find Scarlett sleeping in the corner of the room, slightly shivering.

I quickly walked over there and lifted her into my arms. She stirred before her dazzling blue eyes fluttered open.

"Momma," she whispered as she started to cry again.

"It's okay Lottie, I'm right here," I said stroking her thick dark brown curls.

"Mommy I'm scared," she said sobbing into my chest.

I wanted to tell her I was too, but I have to be brave for her.

"There's nothing to be scared of sweet girl, mommas right here," I said kissing her head.

"Why do you love Damien?" She said in in barely a whisper.

The answer is I don't. But what do I tell her? I want to tell her the truth, I want to tell her everything. But I can't. So I'll tell her the half of it.

"Can I tell you something Lottie?" I asked rocking her in my arms.

She nodded and sniffled again.

"You have to promise not to tell Damien, okay?" I said sternly so she would know I'm being serious.

"I pinky promise," she said holding her pinky out.

I connected my pinky with hers and kissed her hand.

She did the same and looked back up at me.

"I love someone else," I said quietly so only Scarlett could hear.

"Who mommy?" She said with wide eyes.

Ezria; Gone GirlWhere stories live. Discover now