Chapter 1- Is It Too Late To Fix It

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A.N. Okay so this isn't my first fanfiction but it is my first Glee on. Enjoy

WILL's pov

"Okay class,let's begin" I said as I entered the choir class. I was about to start when I noticed something different "wait, where's Rachel?"

"Who cares" Santana rudely replied. I was about to reply when Ms. Pillsbury came running in.

"It's an emergency"she said before running out.

"Stay here kids!" I yelled at them. I ran out after her where she handed me a note that said-

Ms. Pillsbury- I want to thank you. You were one of the people who cared for me. You understood my decisions. I hope you understand this one. I'm sorry

Mr. Shuester- I want to thank you too. You gave me solos, leads. You saw me as the star I hoped I once could have been. I really did enjoy glee club. It was nice to feel special, even when I was hated the whole time. I am so glad you are my biggest fan. You may be my only but you are the only one that really counts right now. Thank you for not only being a great teacher but a great role model.

Finn Hudson- Finn...I loved you...I'm sorry. I hoped one day we could have been together. But your with Quinn. I know one day you'll find the one. Even if it's not with me. You have an amazing voice and even though you can't really dance you work hard. I hope you can be happy now. I do love you though

Quinn Fabray- I'm not expose to be here? Now I won't be. You want to punch me?? You should have.I know I don't belong here. You were the cheerleader. You bullied me. I honored you. Enough said

Noah (Puck) Puckerman- You were a jock. You slushied me every day. I always had a few extra outfits in my locker, knowing what you and your crew would do to me. But I do think you and Quinn would make a good couple. You guys may not see it but we all do

Santana and Brittany- You two were always together. You hated me together. You bullied me together.Guess what?? WORDS HURT!!!! Santana I have a big nose. You don't have to see it any more. I'm sorry I was a dwarf and dresses bad. Brittany, your right. You are more talented that me. I don't really know what I did to make you hate me

Mercedes- You got slushied with me at least once. Do you people now understand what I went through before!!! You didn't really do anything to me, but, you didn't really do anything to help me.

Kurt- Oh Kurt. You were so special. You were yourself. And yourself is just amazing. Like Mercedes you didn't do much to me. Yet you didn't help me. Why Kurt, why. You get it. All the bulling. You should GET it. But, I guess bulling is hard to see sometimes. I just thought this type was obvious.

Sam- You didn't bully me. You didn't help me. Why??? I thought we were friends. But, like always, I'm alone. So, sorry for whatever I did to make you hate me. You have such a good voice. Keep at that, it will take you somewhere, someday.

Coach Sylvester- You were one of the worst. You not only bullied me but my Glee mates and sooo many more. Karma will catch up with you soon. I'll see you in hell if you don't change your ways soon. You know a few things I wouldn't like to say in this letter. You know what I'm talking about, so thank you.

To everyone else I didn't mention I'm sorry. I just really want to hurry this up. Tina, Mike,and everyone else. Thank you for pretty much nothing. Everyone hates. Being apart of something special makes you special. I thought Glee club would be that something special for me. But I was wrong. There is a spare key under some bricks in front of my house. Go up to the bathroom. I've locked myself in there. Maybe by the time you read this and come, maybe it will be too late. I loved you all like a family (Except you Finn. I really did love you) I am really sorry but this is the way it has to be. I'll see you guys all one day again.

-Rachel Berry

By the time I finished we were in the car with Ms. Pillsbury speeding off to Rachel's house and I had tears streaming down my face.

"How could it have gotten this bad" I whispered

"I don't know. I didn't know it was bad at all. I knew about the slushies and the before Glee club stuff but all that" Ms. Pillsbury told me

"I knew some. I knew it was kinda bad now but I didn't know about the Glee kids. They'r suppose to stick together. Be there for each other" I said. By then we were pulling up to Rachel's house. I jumped out of the car before it was even stopped. I moved the bricks until I saw the key. Opening the door, I ran as fast as I could with Ms. Pillsbury on my trail. We got to the bathroom door (Only one locked) and tried to open it. I hit the door hard with my shoulder. Finally after what seamed like hours the door opened. There in the bathtub was Rachel Berry. She was only in her bra and underwear in the water. She had cuts on her body, making the water a pink/red color. Her phone was on the bottom and a blade was on the ground.. I rushed over, pulling her out of the water.

"We need to get her to the hospital" Ms. Pillsbury yelled to me "I'll call 911.

"There's no time." I shouted at her. I took off my jacked and shirt. I ripped them apart. I wrapped the cuts up the best I could in a hurry. "We need to get her there now. Get in the car and drive as fast as you can"

I picked up Rachel and ran down the stairs, out the front door and to the car. I put her in the back seat before climbing in the passenger seat. Ms. Pillsbury floored it to the hospital. Minutes later we arrived. I quickly pulled her out from the back seat and ran into the hospital door.

"Someone!!! I need help" I yelled running in. Right away a gurney was rushed over to me. I set her down on it and doctors where shouting "We need blood" "Clear the way people" I was held back by a nurse.

"Sir, I'm sorry you can't go back there" She said

"Will," Ms. Pillsbury said grabbing my arm. We sat down and waited. It seem liked hours as we sat.

"Rachel, you better be okay" I thought

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