Twenty Five - Danger

Start from the beginning

For the first time I can see in his eyes the concern I wanted to see again. He concerned about me but that was always missing when it came to others. Now he is concerned about my brother. He is acting like an Alpha. If he was not with Shea…


I pushed him away. He let go off me and stumbled few steps.

“Where’s Shea?” I growled at him, my anger coming back.

“What?” He asked confused.

“Where. Is. Shea.” I repeated my question slowly.

“But why?”

“I know she is related to this.” I yelled at him. My walls breaking slowly as emotions spilled out- anger.

“No Sera, she is not related to it.” He said softly. I could see regret in his eyes. At that moment he really regretted choosing Shea over me and he’d take me back in a heartbeat if I asked him to do that right now.

“Yes she is. I know she is. Did Dave tell you there is traitor in pack?” I asked Daniel narrowing my eyes at him.

“Yeah, he did.” He answered unsurely. He knew where I was going so I let him continue. “Do you think it’s Shea?”

“Yeah, I think it’s Shea.” I said gritting my teeth together.


“Because her mate was a rogue.”

“And you ran away with a rogue.” He shouted at me.

“You of all the people should know that I ran away, completely alone, because I was disgusted with my mate.” I spat at him venomously.

He flinched at my words but regained his composure.

“The same mate you kissed seconds ago.” He accused.

I huffed. “You took advantage of my situation. You kissed me first. And if it bothers you that much then I won’t kiss you again then.”

He seemed panicked as his eyes widened. I smirked at him.


“Now shut it Daniel. It is not about me now. It’s about Dave.” I growled at him and left. I could have slammed the door shut if it was there.

“Sera wait!” He came running to him.

“What’s wrong with you?” I asked facing him.

“Where are you going?”

“To kill Shea.” I answered casually but that was not true. I will kill her someday though.

“You are jealous because she has me and you don’t.” He said. I was almost shocked.

I stared at him for s couple of seconds and blinked. I wanted to chop him into little pieces and then feed them to rogues. My mind was already a mess and with his ‘special’ words, I was going to explode like an atom bomb. This is so darn frustrating. He is so darn frustrating.

I clenched my teeth together and squeezed my eyes shut to control myself. This is not the time.

“Um, I think you should bother about Kyle now, before he spills your beans.” I told him and started to walk away dismissing his attempts to get on my nerves. It’s surprise how much control I have on my anger because right now I want to do so many bad things to him that I can hardly think of anything else. He is just making it worse.

“He won’t do that. We both know.” He stated falling on step beside me.

I stopped and turned to face him.

“Then go to your mate. Just leave me the hell alone right now because I don’t want to see your annoying face at this moment because god knows what I will do.” I growled.

“You will kiss me.” he answered smirking at me.

Is this man so thick? Can’t he see that I’m being held to my cool by very thin threat that can be snapped with one single pull and he is tugging at it like gorilla?

“Listen Daniel, I have enough of this right now. Just leave me alone. Leave. Me. Alone.” I told him in my deadly calm voice.

“Stop acting like you are the only one who care for Dave.”

“Manny does too. And many others in this pack. But not certainly you because you care only for yourself and your already stained image.”

“My image is-“

“Oh just shut it.” I took a step towards him until our faces were inches apart. “You are nothing but a worthless Alpha. Everyone wants to overthrow you. Those rogues, they want to end you and take over this pack because you are weak, very weak. They still think that you can’t transform into your wolf. That’s why they are taking big steps now. If you had appeared in your wolf form even once, after your transformation, they could have not gone to more extent. You have out your pack in trouble Daniel. You are trying to taunt me because you are jealous of Kyle. You selfish bastard.” I shouted the last part and walked away from him, leaving him stunned.

That was really enough. I don’t feel bad saying those things to him because he deserved that, even worse. I know I hurt him. He will cry in his room but I care the least. For now I have to find Dave.

My heart constricted. I hope he is fine. I know he is fine.


But for now I have to go to Kyle because I have this feeling he knows about Dave.


And then I have to see Manny. This situation is getting very complicated.


Oh God! Keep my brother safe.

*** ***

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