"Odds and Evens. Basically we each decide what we want to call, odds or evens, and then on three we hold out one or two fingers and tally them up. Depending on the total, if it's even the people who call even win and whoever calls odds win. Simple, eh?"

I nod slowly, running through the rules in my head. "I think so . . ?"

"Heh, get set to get wrecked newbie. I am the master of this game." Ax comments as we begin the game. Since Tracey couldn't exactly speak, he held out either three fingers or two fingers to indicate odd or even on his left hand and his choice on his right hand.

The first game we played, Tracey and I called even and won.

The second time, Simone and I called even again and won.

The third game, Ax and I called odd and won.

It went on like that for about ten minutes (I guess since there isn't really a clock here) and I can tell Ax's getting pissed off with me and it isn't until it was just us two playing that he lets out something similar to a roar and throws his hands up in the air.

"That's it. I'm DONE!" he cries out, leaning back and laying down on the floor. "Damn newbie must be cheating!"

"Looks like the master has been bested! About time too, you were getting way too cocky Red!" Connor laughs patting the taller boy on the leg. I laugh along with him, the others joining in (sans Ax who grumps on the floor) until a piercing pain shoots through my mind. I place a hand on my forehead as I let out a small whimper and I feel Simone place a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"I'll be fine, Red. You worry too much!" I hear a voice that sounds like my own echo around me.

"Ari, you have to take a break sometime. I know you love gymnastics but you'll run yourself ragged!" a familiar voice chides, their voice is worried but I can tell they were smiling.

"Can't do that, if I slack how am I going to impress Madam Paola?"

The other voice sighs. "Your mom and she have been friends for a long time, haven't they? You're a shoe-in!"

"C'mon Red, you should know by now I won't accept getting anything just handed to me. I want to impress her with my own skill!"

"I know, I know, you're just too stubborn for your own good."

". . . That's cold, MJ."

". . ri! Ari!" I snap back out of whatever the hell that was and look up at the others who are staring at me with wide eyes. Even Ax looks a little worried. "Oh thank god, you're okay!" she says with an exhale of relief, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. "What happened?!"

I blink, waiting for the sensation of the collar to hit me, but it never does. "I think . . . I remembered something?"

"Well did you or didn't you?" Ax huffs, earning a jab in the side by Connor. "Ow! Really?!"

"Be a little more sensitive will you?" the darker haired boy hisses.

"No, no, it's fine," I say, massaging my temples. "There was a girl with red hair, I think. She's my friend and . . . she's always nagging me."

The others stare at me for a second before breaking out into laughter.

"That's the first thing you remember?!" Connor says, slapping at his leg.

"She must be a real friend then." Ax smirks, crossing his arms and shooting Connor a pointed look.

"That's great! You're one step closer to remembering, Ari!" Simone calls out as Tracey tugged at my pant leg. He gave me a tiny smile and I feel a swell of happiness in my chest. Maybe this would be it! The first step!

Toss Up (Danny Rand)Where stories live. Discover now