Chapter 13: So many time skips

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Hey! Sorry for the hiatus but I was super busy planning my cousins bday with her!!! This is a bonus chapter for all you lovelies! The story will continue as normal next update.


Rarity waited for someone to arrive. "Where is that Flower Wishes!?, " She muttered impatiently. She suddenly heard the bell jingle upstairs. She crept up silently, frying pan in hand. "Hello? Are you here Rarity?," Flower Wishes called out. Suddenly, she felt a large object collide with her head and she blacked out.
Fluttershy pulled the trigger.
She dropped it, and fell towards the cabinet, sobbing heavily. She opened the small door and pulled out the box of pills. She swallowed them all. She rummaged frantically for bullets, finally finding them under a bloodied cleaver knife. She loaded the gun and stared at it.
Was this really the only way.
Rainbow Dash and Gilda last on the bed, cuddling tightly. Gilda couldn't believe her luck. Rainbow loved her. She didn't even remember the weakling. It really was too good to be true.
"Bonbon... ", Lyra sang as she pinned down her friend. Bonbon struggled against the insane unicorn. Lyra bent down and ran her tongue along Bonbons neck. She used her magic to run a sharp blade along her arms. Bonbon squealed as the metal pieced her skin. Lyra began to kiss Bonbon passionately, the blade beginning to cut down on her left thumb. Bonbon screamed as her thumb became unattached to her body. Lyra laughed manically, cutting another two fingers. Bonbon caught her off guard, kicking her in the stomach, and grabbed the blade. She stabbed Lyra in the neck. Soon, the blood began spurting all over the floor. Bonbon saw the green fade from her friends eyes. "I'm sorry Sweetie... ", she said softly. The green glow appeared in Bonbons eyes. All of a sudden, Lyra let out a final scream as Bonbon began gnawing on her face.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING RARITY!!! ", Flower Wishes screamed as the unicorn began skinning the green haired girl. "I'm sorry it has to be you darling, but I'm afraid I need more fabric, and your skin is simply divine ". Soon, Rarity had shaved the girls mane and tail, and had her completely skinned. She would save the rest of the body for baking, like Pinkie had taught her before she died. Rarity giggled. Pinkie died.  It really was kill or be killed. Ha ha... Hehe.. HAHAHA!!!!!
Fluttershy threw the gun at the wall, shattering it. She cut the bed sheets into strips with a blade and wrapped them tightly around her cuts. She wrapped the remaining sheets around herself like a tunic and cried until she passed out.
Chrysalis wrapped herself in Discords embrace. "Oh Dizzy, come on...", she whined. He smirked, "If you insist ". Discord walked into the room that the passed out Fluttershy was in. He grabbed her by the waist and then teleported back to Chryssi. Chrysalis used her magic to close the wounds on Fluttershys body and restore the lost blood. "Are you sure this is a good idea? ",Discord asked, still grinning. "Of course. I want to break her. Snap her like a twig.", Chryssi replied. Discord removed the sheet from her, and she shrieked as she was awakened by the forced entry of a member too big for her body.

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