Chapter 11: I ship it

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"Fluttershy, come out. It's time for a bath and bed". She sniffled and walked towards the door. "No!  Let me take it for her!, " Applejack yelled. Fluttershy looked back, offended. Her friend, backstabbing her for cleanliness and comfort. But Applejack's face looked genuinely terrified.
Maybe something...
She heard words and remembered being dragged away but only saw Dashies unrecognising face.
            *        *         *         *        *
"Marry you? Are y'all serious? ", Applejack screamed. Twistron sighed sadly.
"I knew you'd say no, " he replied.
Applejack frowned and weighed up her options. She could A: stay in the cage with an oven floor and try take care of a baby and a seriously damaged Fluttershy, or B: marry an important changeling who clearly did care for her and have him protect her and the baby, but leave Fluttershy alone.
"Ah did nawt say no. Ah will marry y'all on 3 conditions. 1. Y'all has ta take care of me and get me outta that cage. 2. Y'all has ta stay in your usual form around me. 3. Please tra ta get ma friend outta that cage "
Twistron looked up, stunned, "You'll marry me? "
            *        *        *          *         *
"So, Rainbow Dash. Do you want to see her now?," Chrysalis asked. "See who? Gilda?, " Dash replied. The changeling queen smirked and shook her head,"Not yet. The pinkie first. "
Dash screwed up her face. Who was 'the pinkie'? Why would she see her? Why couldn't she see her girlfriend Gilda? And why couldn't she remember anything else?

A.N. Twistron X Applejack, eh?  Shut up. I ship it.

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