Chapter 1: At flight camp

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A shy girl sat behind a soft cloud crying softly, her silky pink hair falling in front of her watery teal eyes. She lightly touched the bruise forming around her eye and winced. Those boys were good at their "job".

"Why are ya crying? Are you alright?," a raspy voice asked her, sounding concerned. "Oh, um *sniff* I'm, uh, I'm f-fine, *hic* it's nu-nothing. Never *sob* never m-mind me..." the small girl mumbled. She looked up to see a taller girl with outstretched wings holding a hand out towards her. The girl had rainbow coloured hair, blue wings, tanned skin and gorgeous magenta eyes. She smiled down at the smaller girl. The tall girl was wearing a pale blue vest shirt, black shorts, purple Nike sneakers and a rainbow tie wrapped around her spectrum coloured hair like a headband. "The names Rainbow Dash, awesomest kid at this camp," she said confidently,"What's your's?"

"I'm, uh, Fluttershy," the smaller girl stuttered and smiled. "Cool!," said Rainbow,"Wanna be friends?" "Sure!," Fluttershy replied, well aware of the fact they were still holding hands, even though she had just stood up.

"What happened to you?!," Rainbow said. Fluttershy let go of Dashes hand and looked away. "Oh," she said quietly,"Nu-nothing...". "Fluttershy. What. Happened?," Dash pressed on. "Those boys. Dumbbell and 3 Pointer. They beat me up because they say I'm a disgrace to pegasi everywhere!".

With that, she collapsed back onto the cloud flooring and Rainbow slid down to put her arm around the small yellow-winged pegasus as she unlocked the flood gates and let her years flow uncontrollably.

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