All ends here

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Taylor's POV

I walked down the halls surrounded by many students wearing blue and white gowns. Many of them were staring at me but that was normal I guess, I returned my focus to the speech I was about to give. My fear of public speaking started to take over my body and my hands started to shake. As I made it to the top of the stage I glance though  the crowd and stopped when I saw the people I was actually looking for, Jason, Faith, Tayna and Darius.

I took a deep breath then placed the speech on the stand that was put there for me to read from.

"Pull your self together Taylor you can do this" I said to myself, And with that I started.

      "Today I present a speech in front of my whole graduating class,  families and friends. Despite my huge fear of public speaking, I have the honor of bringing you this speech. This is just the beginning, we've made it this far and trust me it wasn't easy. My mom always told me nothing is over until the moment you've stop trying. Someone I love deeply also told me every disappointment is a blessing and in high school there's a lot of disappointments, we created a bond ever so strong, we fought, we cried but now the past is behind us as we walk towards a brighter future".I ended my speech then left the stage.

As I walked back down the isle everyone cheered and I couldn't be more proud of myself.

Today was the day everything charge, every disappointment, everything that went wrong, every failure. Time to move on to bigger and better things. It's going to take a while but from today theirs no looking back.

I sat next to Olina and Glenique, while our principle took the stage to us give our diploma. Everyone names were called and the graduation ending with us singing "I was born to be somebody by Justin Bieber".

As I looked at Faith my eyes begun to water, she looked everything like our mom. I can't  help but think my mom is somewhere better looking down at us, wanting us to move on and be happy.

I had my future planned but now i don't know anymore, I don't know how I would get over this bump in the road. I looked up and whipped the tears from my eyes "I'll do this to make you happy mom, everything I do from now on is for you".

I say goodbye now to my friends, the ones that has been there with me through everything, the ones that made me happy when all I could do is cry. The ones I can now call my family, but goodbyes are not forever, goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I miss them until we meet again.

Lml you guys must hate me
Sorry I had to take a year to update
Short but hope you like it

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