Wedding Day

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Darius POV

We arrived back home to California yesterday. Taylor told us about her moms wedding today and that she also had important news to tell her. We caught separate taxi's to our homes but i went along with Taylor because she said she wanted me to be with her to hear whatever news her mother had.

As the taxi pulled up in front of Taylor's house she quickly got out, forgetting to take her luggage and her phone. She rapped on the door and waited impatiently for her mom to answer. When her mom finally opened the door and they shared a huge long hug. After they pulled apart she mouthed I'm sorry when she realized she left me to pay the taxi and take out all the suitcases which i didn't even mind doing.

"The wedding starts at 2, So you guys should probably start to get ready" Her mom said politely.

"But it's 9:00, isn't it too early?." Taylor said while glaring.

"Well it would be if you didn't talk so long to get ready all the time" Her mom continued.

"Go help Darius with the bags and hurry" She added while walking off.

"Hey" Taylor said as she approached me

"Hi" i said smiling

"Need help?" she asked smiling back

"yes sure" I said handing her a bag. As we carried the bags inside we just talked and laughed about things.

As we arrived inside of the house, Taylor went inside one of the rooms and I went inside of the next. After I took a shower I put on a black suit with an red inside shirt an a black bow tie. I had to choose out of two shoes a vans and a converse. Since Taylor is literally oppressed with converse I decided to wear it.

After I took one last look inside of the mirror, I left the room hoping to find Taylor. Everyone rushed around getting things done to make this day perfect. Some day this is going to be for Taylor and I, I've been thinking about asking her to go out with me but I don't want to rush her into a relationship so fast but something tells me today is the day.

As I was deep down inside of my thoughts, I ran into Taylor. She looked stunning, her hair was put into a bun with drop curls and her eyes were shining brightly. She had on a short red dress that shows her curves in all the right places. She had on a bright red lipstick and her nails were painted black.

"I-m sorry" I said stuttering on my words.

"You like?" She asked as she did a twirl.

"Love" I answered grabbing her by her waist and placing a kiss on her lips.

At the wedding

Taylor's POV

We arrived at the wedding an hour late, well I guess that's normal because the bride is always late. Darius looked so hot and his converse oh my gosh, I love converse they make my feet look so tiny and cute, Well that's besides the point.

I'm so happy for my mom, but really she kept this form me and now she's getting married, to a man that I don't even know. Trust me I don't want to be selfish but come on I'm your daughter.

The music started playing, so we stand in rows and walked into the church step by step. Everyone stood as my mom entered, her dress it was simple but gorgeous. It was long and had lace at the back.

When the music stopped, me and the girls sat on one side and Darius and the guys say on the opposite side. My mom went to meet Jason at the alter where they proceeded. The vows and said i do's were said then they kissed.

Everything went by so fast, I still can't believe my mom is now Mrs. Turner.


sorry I took so long... Kind of boring but hope you like it

Thanx again for the support



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