The move out

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Tayna's POV

I'm tired of these people treating me like I'm invisible, yeah I hurt their friend but so what. Have they not heard about forgive and forget? guess not. I decided I should move out, I haven't told Jake and it's going to kill me for leaving him like this so I left him a note.

I waited until it was very dark out then I left, I packed everything I would need along with some of Jake's money then I slowly made my way out of the window.

I walked miles and miles down this road that now seemed endless. I'm tired, hungry and have no idea where I was going.

"I'm such an idiot, why the hell did I leave if I had no idea where I was going!"I screamed to my self.

As soon as I was about to cross the road into a near by ally. A dark colored car raced out and two guys dressed in all black came running towards me. Fear took the best of me, and my heart felt as if it was going to fail. I ran as fast as I could until my heels buckles and I fell.

The two guys grabbed me by my both arms and pushed me into the direction on their car.

I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping that Someone would hear me but there was no luck.

I continued to scream until one of the men hit me in my head with something really hard. After a few minutes everything went dark.

~ At a Strange place ~

I regained consciousness and looked around to see where I was. The room was dark and there was no sign of a window just a small opening at the top of the strange building. My eyes widen at the sight of my naked body spread across a large bed and my hands and feet were chained.

There was a sound coming from the small opening and my heart literally stopped. A million thoughts ran through my mind and the fear of me getting rapped started to make the room feel very hot

A group of men came down from the opening and gathering around me. They were whispering things so I couldn't hear but I caught few words that they were saying.

"Boss, you should go first" a deep voice man said.

"Of course I'm going first, she looks like a virgin so this is going to be fun" he snapped at the man.

"Now boys watch and learn. After everyone will get their chance". He added with a bitter laugh

They bed shook as the man got on top on me while pining out his pants.

"Now watch here, if you scream, or even dear to hit me I swear I'll cut you open" He said threatening me.

Tears fell from my eyes and my vision started to become blurry. He went deeper and deeper inside of me and all I could have done was lay there an watch.

After he was done, guy after guy took there chance inside of me and counted them one after the other. So far 15 men slept with me and a line of more were there to come.

The night was long slow and painful. I felt disgusted with myself that I didn't even try to do something.

The last guy made his way on top of me, he was number 29. He was more forceful than the rest, He went in harder and harder and if this wasn't so wrong I would make him my husband because it felt so right. After he was done he licked from my neck and went straight down, something about this guy to too familiar. How he pleasured me, how he made me feel, how he kissed me I felt it before but at the moment I couldn't pick out who he was.

They left one by one from the room, and left me there to bleed, the thought of me getting pregnant or become HIV positive haunted me right there and then but all I could have done was lay there an cry.



I love this chapter, hope you like it

Thanx for all the support so far tho it means a lot.



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