Shopping with the girls

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I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating under my pillow, I let out a loud sigh, it read one new whatsapp message.


Gd morning beautiful - Jake<3

Hey gd morning - Tay Tay

So whats your plans for today - Jake<3

Well me and the gurls R going shopping - Tay Tay

Oh uh sounds great, well I gtg feed my baby sister so I'll c U later :* - jake<3

Kay :)- Tay


As soon as I was about to go back to sleep my phone started ringing, "oh my gosh!!! Can't a girl get some sleep, am I the only one that have a life "I said to my self. I took a while to pick up my when I did it was Lina. "hey girl we're coming over at 10" she said excitedly. Before I could even answer, she hanged up. Why does she keep going that!! I never get to have a descent conversation with her. I glanced over at the clock and it was 9:30. What the hell!! I just woke up, I sigh and rolled out of bed failing to the floor, I dragged my self to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took a 10 minute bathe, it felt so good. I opened my closet and took out a black high waisted shorts , blue vans, a blue crop top and a black sweater. After I got dress, I curled the front of my hair and putted a ponytail at the back. I entered the bathroom and took a look in the mirror, Omg is it illegal to be this pretty I thought to my self. After taking 5 whole minutes checking out my self, I dashed down stairs to find my mom making breakfast.

"Gd morning mom" I said while giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh Gd morning sweetheart, I didn't hear you come down" She said in a soft voice. She glanced down at my outfit and smiled.

"What" I said staring at her

"Well do everything you wear got to match"? She ask while handing me a plate with toast bread and slice cheese on it.

"Yes, of course " I replied while taking a bite of my bread.

After I finished eating, I ask my mom for money to go shopping and she gave me her credit card. Their was a knock on the door and I literally ran to get it. I loved shopping, so I was really excited. Lina was wearing a fitted grey and blue skirt, a grey crop top and grey flats. Danielle had this really cute short back dress with high to green converse and a green headband. As for Kisha, she was wearing a pink capri pants, yellow vans and a yellow tang top. "Wait where's Glenique " I said. " Oh yeah right she said she's going to meet us there because she lives really close" Lina replied. "Oh kool, you guys look great" I said with a huge smile. "️Thanx" they said at the same time, "And sorry we're late Danielle took like 50 minutes to get dress" Kisha added while looking at her with an annoyed look. She folded her arms "No I didn't!!" She responded. But before Kisha could say anything. My mom interrupted "Hey girls" she said happily. "Hey mrs. swift, oh and your daughter is gonna bring home your son in law soon" Lina said. My faced turned bring red "I am going to kill you!!" I said giving her a death glare. Their was a honking sound and I noticed that Lina's mom was there waiting on us. "Bye mom, I'll see you later" I said. And we all got into the car.


When we arrived at the mall. Glenique was at the entrance waiting on us. She had on green shorts, black vans and a black aero postal shirt. "Hey Glenique, sorry we're late" I said giving her a apologetic smile. " Hey oh that's okay" she she said smiling. " Now girls, split up we're looking for a dress, not to long but not to short. It have to be perfect, text me if you guys found something. Now go" Lina said demandingly. We all headed in different directions. I went into like 5 stores but none of the dresses were my type. I decided to go into one more store, Forever 21. I looked and I looked until I found it oh my gosh it's so beautiful. I was a short, fitted pink thin strapped dress. It was girly and simple but it was totally me. i took out my phone and added them into a group.

Meet me in forever 21, I found it :) <3-Tay Tay

On my way- Kisha :*

Kay soon as I'm finish trying on these sexy heels- Danielle ;)

Almost there- Lina <3

I putted my phone back into my pocket and went into the dressing room. I tried on the dress and came out. All my friends looked at me. "What" I said looking down. "You look so beautiful" Danielle said. "Oh my gosh that guy is lucky" Glenique said with a huge smile on her face. "Let's got pay for it" Lina said. "Wait what shoes are you going to wear?" Kisha asked. "You'll see" I replied giving her a small smile. After we bought the dress. We decided to go to the movies. We watched Dumb and Dumber 2, it was really funny. After the movie we decided to get some ice cream, then we went to the park and take pics. I started to get tired so I told Lina to called her mom. She arrived in 20 minutes and we all filed in to the car. We dropped Glenique off around the corner, it was to late to let her walk. " Bye guys, I had a lot of fun" she said giving us a smile. We said our byes then drove off. I was next to be dropped off. We pulled up infront of my house and I got out the car. I gave Lina, Danielle and Kisha a huge hug and went inside. I ran up to my room took a quick shower and threw on a pair of pjs. I lied down thinking about me and Jake and if he would ever ask me to be his girlfriend. A vibrating sound interrupted my thoughts and I let out a loud sigh.


Sorry I couldn't message you earlier. I was planning our date- Jake

That's okay I just came home anyway-
Tay Tay

Well I missed you- Jake

I missed you tew- Tay Tay

️:) ready for tmr? - Jake


Yea it's Valentine's Day, that's Wen I'll b taking you out- Jake

oh uh i guess im ready then- tay tay

well good night bae- Jake

Gd nite Jakie- Tay


Uh I tired to make this interesting, I hope you guys like it.

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