That awarked conversation!

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I arrived at school like an hour ago. It has been 1 month since me and Jake have been dating and its going great, don't get me wrong we had arguments but worked them out. I decided it was a great time to tell my mom about us. My mom is a really nice person. Sometimes I wonder how it is that she's a mother, she acts way younger than me. And she doesn't mind that I have a boyfriend. Everyday at school Jake would walk me to class and kiss my cheek as we went our separate ways. I bet some of the kids are already tired of us. My thoughts were interrupted when my phone started to beep. As I checked the message it says.
"Hey babes, I just wanted to kno if you already told your mom - Jakies <3

Every time he calls me babes I keep getting butterflies.

"Well no but I'm planning to tell her when I get home from school." I replied

"Well c you at lunch"- Jakie <3

With that I putted my phone back into my pocket as I was trying to focus on what my boring soical-studies teacher Mrs. Emanuel was saying.

Fifteen minutes after the bell rang for lunch, I met up with Olina, Jake and Glenique at their locker as we putted in our books and walked to the cafeteria. All of us were dating someone,well except Olina. Glenique was with Thomas, Kisha with Juynor and Danielle with Akeel.

We ordered our food then sat at our normal table, it was the smallest one in the whole cafeteria but we enjoyed being together. As we ate the Barbie looking girl (Ashley James) passed by winking at Jake. I felt my face heat up but Jake gave my hand a squeeze making me calm down.
When I got home I changed into a grey sweatpants, Pink tang top and a pair of pink colored long socks. I went into the kitchen and took a bag of hot Cheetos. As I sat in the couch and went through the channels for something I wanted to watch. I when I stopped when I saw X factor was showing. A long hair girl was singing torn by one direction and omg she had a beautiful voice. They announced that her name was Salome Hinds and she was 16 years old. 15 minutes later I was sitting in my mom's bed waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. As she came out she sat next to me and I started talking.

"W-ell mom I- am Uh, okay I'm dating". I said quickly.

She was quiet for a while but then she started to speak.

"Oh hun that's great" she replied smiling.

"Oh uh really?" I said kind of surprised

"Yea it's really fine, I think it's kinda cute" my mom said now her smile has gotten really wide.

"Well thanks mom" I said actually feeling weird but I gave her a kiss on her cheek an left her room.


It's kinda short but I promise I'll make the next one longer.

Dedicated to #lome14

Thanks 😊

High School Crushजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें