ch. 4

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Britt's POV

I wake up to the sound of Reili's annoying voice singing "It's time to get up in the morning!"

"I suggest if you would like to live shut the fuck up and get out of here right this instant." I angryly say towards her.

She just laughs. "I brought you some tea and some Advil. How are you feeling?"

Jeez she's starting to aggravate me. "I feel like shit, now stop talking. What even happened last night and why am I just in a bra and underwear?"

"Well you got completely shit faced and slept with this random dude." Reili laughed

"I did what!? I did not do that. Oh shit I'm gonna get pregnant and die."

"No you didn't sleep with anybody but you would've if we hadn't have left." Reili said

I gulp down the advil and sip my tea. I can remember me playing "suck and blow" with those guys from the coffee shop. Everything after Reili showed up to play with us was just a blur.

"Here is that Sammy guys number. He wanted me to give it to you once you sobered up." Reili says as she plops down next to me on the bed.

"Okay well I'm not really interested."I say as I put it into my phone anyways.

"Well you were last night when you were shoving your tongue down his throat." She replied

"I was drunk."

"Yes you were and it was hilarious!"

"No shit! I obviously know that." I say sarcastically.

I really need to pee and I'm starving. I hope Reili made me breakfast or something. Reili leaves the room as I get up and head to my bathroom.

"Jesus." I mumble to myself as I look in the mirror and see the hideous reflection. I decided to take a quick shower. I smelt like alcohol and sweat.

Once I finished showering I walk into the kitchen of our apartment to see Reili sitting on the counter making pancakes.

"You should add some blueberries into those." I say

"No I'm adding chocolate chips into some. We don't even have blueberries." She stated

"Well go buy some blueberries."

"No go buy them yourself if you want them so badly." Reili told me

"Fine I will. Do you need anything from the store" I ask

"Are you really going to the store to get blueberries?"

"Yes I am. I also need conditioner. I used the rest while in the shower." I told her. I always use up my conditioner before my shampoo. I grab my purse and the car keys and begin to walk towards the door.

"Do you need anything?" I yell towards her.

"No not that I can think of at the moment." She answers.

"Okay be back in a few." I yell as I walk out the door.

Once I finally reach the lobby of the apartment complex and begin to walk outside, I get a massive head ache from all the people and the sun. I get in the car and drive quickly towards the store.

I hurry and get my shit and get out. I don't want to be out in public much longer. I just want to be on the couch eating my blueberry pancakes and watching "Friends".

We missed class today and I'm perfectly okay with that. I absolutely hate school. I always have and always will.

Once I get back home Reili is laying upside down on the couch watching the movie "Bridesmaids" quoting it word for word.

"You need a life." I say to her as I walk past her and into the kitchen.

"You're no better than me." I hear her yell towards me.

"Hey since we missed class today do you wanna do something?" Reili asks

"Sure. like what? I really don't want to be out in public."

"We could go to the volleyball courts for a little bit." She suggests. I consider it. I don't really know if I wanna do that much physical activity.

"Maybe depends on how I feel later. I have a massive hang over." I tell her.

"Oh yeah I forgot you drank like all the damn alcohol they had there." She sasses me.

"Fuck off!" I say as I pour some blueberries into the pancake mix. Once my pancakes are finished, I sit next to her on the couch and watch the movie with her.

Its at my favorite part where they're on the airplane and Annie is completely drugged up from Helen and is trying to sneak into first class on the flight. Reili and I are dying of laughter. I really don't want to be at the apartment all day.

"I have come to the conclusion Reili! That I want to go-" she cuts me off mid sentence

"Go to the volleyball courts?" She asks in excitement.

"No. That I want to go back to bed." I harass

"What no! Please lets go!" She wines

I laugh. "I was kidding yeah I want to go to the volleyball courts."

"Yay okay go get your stuff and we will leave." Reili says.

When we get back from the courts I rush to get to the shower before her. Once I'm finished showering I decide to go to bed. I need to get some decent sleep before class tomorrow. I go tell Reili that I'm going to bed

"Loser, its so early." Reili says as I walk to get some water

"Yeah I know but I need some decent sleep before class tomorrow." I agree with her

"Okay night, sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite." She laughs

"Shut up. Good night loser see you tomorrow. Oh, Do you wanna meet up at the cafe after your classes?"

"Sure. My last class gets out at 12:30 well around then." Reili informs me.

"Okay mine gets out around 12:45 so I'll probably be at the shop around like 1." I tell her as I walk towards my bedroom.

"Goodnight Britt." I hear her say towards me as I close my bedroom door and crawl into bed.

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