Every Time You Move to the Beat

Start from the beginning

It was fun, lots of fun. He began to scream the lyrics along with everyone and I copied. Calum danced with Ashton as Ashton tried his best to do the robot. When the song fell to the last slow verse before the drop for the last chorus, I got pulled.

Luke pulled me by the waist and up to his chest. And the rest of the song was his. He spun me and held me close. I got a bit nervous but noticed Michael was just headbanging.

"We need to talk," Luke whispered in my ear.

"No we don't."

"Whatever." He passed me back to Michael who caught me with open arms. When I looked back, I was disappointed to see that Luke disappeared.



"I THINK I LOVE YOU!" Michael picked me up and, out of shock, I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist as a safety net. When he let me slip down a bit, we were eye level with each other. Michael leaned in, and kissed me.

I kissed back, and I have to say, that was pretty damn romantic. When he pulled away, set me down and nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck I could hear Ashton hollering.

"YEH, YOU GET EM' MIKEY BOY!" I giggled as we walked to the side to dry off the sweat and energy.

"Was that fun or what?"

"Haha, that was really fun. And, I think I love you too."

Michael smiled and pecked my lips. As the night dragged on we would go in and dance for a good 20 minutes and come back out for a quick two minute break. After we would enter the crossfire all over again. But throughout the whole thing, Luke was nowhere to be found. Ashton and Calum were with us, or chilling by the bar. I hung out with Michael the rest of the night. Luke stayed missing.

Finally, the party ended and people began to pack up, throw up, and leave. Ashton gave Calum a ride and waved goodbye.

"We are POOPED! And I'm afraid if I don't get Calum home to his bed he'll be cranky in the morning and eat me,"Ashton screamed to us.


"COMING BABE!" Asthon ran out after Calum frantically, and as always, dramatically. They were like brothers.

Michael put his arm around me and kissed my forehead, "Can your roommate come pick you up?"

"Um, I don't think so because it's kinda late."

"Alright, is it cool if you come home with me?" I nodded and took his hand as he lead me out to his car. We drove for a short amount of time, and soon made it to their apartment. It was quiet and dark, except for in the kitchen where light seemed to emanate from.

"I'm sorry I forgot!" Calum squeaked as he tried to hide away.

"Great," Ashton huffed. 

"Whoa, what's going on Ash?" Michael gestured for me to sit at the small table as he tried to figure out what Calum and Ashton were bickering about.

"Calum had booked time in the studio like, right now."

"What! Right now?!"

"Yeah, he thought it was 2pm but it was actually 2am."


Calum rubbed his face in frustratinon, "I kinda wondered why the block was so cheap."

"Well, who still needs to record," Michael asked the boys.

Ashton leaned on the counter behind him and sighed, "Everyone except Luke, he got a block about a week ago for himself."

"Oh yeah." The boys thought for a bit then unanimously decided to go.

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