Chapter 13 the grave yard, and pissed off ocs

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R: I'm 17 now yes I'm almost an preadult.

F: so who cares about that.

R: oh f look in the mirror.

All other ocs but Tim: pff you too tim.

Tim and flow look: we'll kill Phoenix.

R: no you won't hurt Phoenix_in_the_Ashes he's my friend and you're not going to get him unless you want to end up like shadow.

You she I rocking back and forth whispering "never again never". They look at him a sit down.

R: well let's do the dare deathtolifeforever  spend the night in a haunted cemetery. Okay gang let's go and guys meet the new hostesses Gema and Katie and the new host kibo.

Ki(kibo):h-h-hello r-r-readers c-check o-out my book I-it's a Sao fanfic.

G(Gema): hi yea readers it's a awesome to meet you and I'm here with bro, sis and Katie couldn't be better.

K:yes hello it's awesome to be here and now we have a room to our selfs my lovely Cerberus.


R: okay let's go x lead the way.

X opens a teleportation rift and we step though.

R: okay we're here I'll get the fire wood you half set up camp the rest get food. (Walks off)

With r

We see r whistling and picking up wood. As he does this a ghost appears behind him. It smirks and shout "recon recon". R just turned and waved.

He then continued with his task leaving a surprised ghost. As he walks a white mist appears. Once it does a poof goes off.

H: hey bro what r u up to.

R: just picking up wood were camping out her for a night want to help.

H:hehehe no I don't do haunted cemeteries well good luck bro(poof).

R: suit your self well let's continue.

With the group of food finders which is x, s, c,b,f,and a.

X: okay so I see a haunted candy shop, and gas station who goes were.

C:me b, and a got the store you go to the station.

S: well good luck.

With the candy shop group.

A: hey c why are we here.

C: remember g and k like sweets they are just kids.

B:(writes) yup and plus I could go for some candy.

A:okay let's get started.

They spilt up and find 5 different candy bins each. A found, Reese peanut-butter cups, gummy worms, gummy bears, sour gummy worms, and pop rocks. He starts to stuff them in his bag.

B finds heresy bars, 3 musketeers, jaw breakers, gum, and pay days. He starts to stuff them in.

And last but not least c finds tictacs, snickers, butter fingers, air heads, and chocolate covered raisins. He also stuffs all the candy in the bins in his bag. But what he and the others did notice were the shadows creeping up on them.

A: hey I'm done are you too.

B: (says out loud) yup

C: yes sir.

A: ok meet you up front what the(turns around and sees a monster gummy bear and runs out)

B: (says out loud) a a shadow (turns to see a ball of chewed gum the size of a boulder roll at him) oh come on(yells and runs out as he does the Indiana jones theme song plays)

C: well that's not something you see everyday and now it's my turn huh(turns to a giant evil smirking air head) hi (then slashed it and it went flying as he walked out calmly).

With the gas station crew

S: I'll look for drinks.

X: I got food.

F:I'll be look out.

Shadow started to grab all the soda, milk, and juice in the fridges. As he did that xeno took all the chips, cereal(the ones in the small boxes), beef jerky (yum😋), and the candy.

F: uh the others are running.

S: wow that was fast.

Ghosts that sounds like angered love interest to them."shadow flow xeno"

F: oh fu*k this (runs)

S: I'm sorry (yells and runs)

X: don't leave me (follows)

With the camp setter upers nothing really happened. The ghosts were torn between scaring them or awwing over them.

Everyone got back.

R: okay guys time to sleep.

Time skip next day

R:well yeah that's how it went if you guys were like r there no way you'd act like that and for the record I would because unlike most I do believe sprits and ghosts exist.

All ocs: well night readers and happy be day r(gives him cake).

R: yum thanks (eats it) awesome job guys well by readers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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